It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:05 09/Apr/14

Every other idiot has a blog, so why not this idiot. I have no idea how it'll go or what it'll manifest into.

Right now I'm aiming for more lifestyle hammers & occurrences rather than a portfolio of skate imagery.

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:06 09/Apr/14

I've been in Melbourne for the past 10 days, so I suppose that's a good place to start.

Jakey and the loyal Mick Snagger

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:07 09/Apr/14

watching over the session

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:07 09/Apr/14

and always checking in after dad takes a spill

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:08 09/Apr/14

Here's a ridiculously grainy photo of bibi bradbury, good meeting you legend.

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:08 09/Apr/14

Scott standley & the boys 'spot searching'

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:09 09/Apr/14

Melbourne's a beautiful place, one of the best cities in the world in my opinion.

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:10 09/Apr/14

lakyn enjoying the juicier things in life

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:11 09/Apr/14

The artist formerly (and currently) known as choq - look him up.

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:11 09/Apr/14


RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:12 09/Apr/14

Dropped in to skate 'the park' in geelong, most fun I've had in months.

Trevor Ward BS overcrook on request

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:14 09/Apr/14

Steve Murphy, yet another Kiwi that's way too good behind the lens.

He'll be filming on our upcoming adelaide trip - we'll probably blog that in here.

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:15 09/Apr/14

I thought this 5050 pop out bibi did was pretty sick, till I picked up the latest SLAM & saw Mitch Robertom smithed it - you suck bibby.

Not really bibby, you dont suck.

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:16 09/Apr/14

fo' twenneh

RE: It's A Pirates Life

Cameron M
Cameron M 22:16 09/Apr/14

couple bonus images from back home in sydney.

Ben Hodge - local idiot.

RE: It's A Pirates Life

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