Swansea Lake Macquarie

Cozmick Avenger 20:41 31/Mar/08

Convic have been awarded the contract.
They might get over here and do it when they finish Dubbo.
Lake Macquarie council are not busted arse like Newcastle City Council. LMCC want to build more in the next few years.
John Bogaerts has a copy of the plans. He says there's something in the design for everyone. John is a cop in Lake Macquarie and has had a bit to do with the LMCC people and he skates better than you..... (well in an olde school way.) I'll post more when it becomes apparent.

SYLVA! 23:58 31/Mar/08

hopefully it doesnt turn out to be another tiny prefab park.
can only hope.

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 12:40 01/Apr/08

convic don't do prefab sylva

Ultimate Russ 15:41 01/Apr/08

i think convic made mayf sylva

Cozmick Avenger 18:15 01/Apr/08

No prefab. Concrete Skateparks did Mayfield. Convic do all the better shit like Frankston (and San Remo if you like a good bowl).

This region needs some real terrain. 28 years of DIY, roadtripping and such, I want a decent park in my own environ!!!!!!! I'll get plans up soon as I get a copy.

TERRY WHO? 21:38 01/Apr/08

OHHH if this actually happens and doesnt fall through ill be so happy cos i go there say every year at least and there is never anything to skate because there are no parks and the roads are some cheap gravel shit its gunna be awesome im hyped already.

Better calm down cos its gunna take ages

DeathMoth 19:28 02/Apr/08

fuck yeh. i propose that they stick a dirty big bowl down there

Ultimate Russ 09:40 03/Apr/08

would be hard deathmoth, swansea is surrounded by the lake, and is only just above sea level, like The Castle
"i dug a hole.... its filling up with water"

DeathMoth 12:23 03/Apr/08

build it up above ground level, just get in heaps of dirt, build that shit up on top of the ground. stick some gnar drains in it

SKM 10:46 05/Apr/08

Hell yes, been waiting to hear some updates on this park.
So so keen to have it built.

TERRY WHO? 18:43 07/Jun/08

is there any news on this proposal?

Ultimate Russ 12:48 23/Jun/08

RE: Swansea Lake Macquarie

NIKEEEM 13:02 23/Jun/08

That looks really good. All those banked hips look like a lot of fun.

SYLVA! 13:33 23/Jun/08

woah newcastle gunna get a legit park for once haha

DeathMoth 17:12 23/Jun/08

where's the bowl?

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