going on the doll

rhyss 19:04 16/Apr/07

how dose 1 work the doll in such so they dont get a job and live of it
i think i read in a asm dane burmen was doing this

skelator 19:06 16/Apr/07

first it's spelt dole*

rhyss 19:11 16/Apr/07

who gives a shit it sounds the same

*warie* 19:13 16/Apr/07

the first step of getting on the dole is not being able to spell it properly.... congratulations!

!Rhyssa! 19:24 16/Apr/07


rhyss 19:27 16/Apr/07

hey warie ur a fukin dumb **** aye
why say congratulations if i havnt spellt it properly yet
man im so sick of u fukin cocks on here this site used to be sick beans

skelator 19:28 16/Apr/07

second step is being of aboriginal inheritance and/or complexion

rhyss 19:29 16/Apr/07

can aboriginals go on the (dole)<---- OMGZ CONGRATULATIONS

Penush 19:31 16/Apr/07

i aint got none moneyz kent.

Atomicpunk 19:31 16/Apr/07

there expected to

*warie* 19:35 16/Apr/07

:( im sorry

i googled it and found this.. im not sure if it will help you or not.

rhyss 19:42 16/Apr/07

thanks warie

scarface 19:42 16/Apr/07

rhys wtf do u want know about this for 0.o

i went on the doll <lolzzz
got a fair sum i forget what.
but that was during my GAP year.
i didn ttell em i was going to uni :)
so i got more money :)
also money for living away from home. or some austudy shit even tho it was a gap yr

i cant really rember but i was scamming it

rhyss 19:44 16/Apr/07

so how did u get out of going to jobs and shit they sent you to?
and what are some wise things to tell them so i can get more

scarface 19:50 16/Apr/07

ahah at the time i belive i fractured my ankle trying some stupid shit down the death set.

so i guess they didnt give me any offers as i was unable to walk?
not sure tho ey.
i told em i was a free lancer as well.
so i dunno i cant rember it was a while ago ey

just go in there on crutches. then tell then u fractured your ankle. then reap the benefiets, then make a sob story.
worked for me and also my mate.

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