
Name: Matt Bodon

or Matty B
as my mates call me

been skating around
three almost
four years now

I'm sort of into photog
And take a couple of pics
here and there

I use a D40X
just a learner's DSLR
but it gets the job done

MSN for the classifieds peeps : matthew.bodon@live.com.au

well, peas out

shop@skateboard.com.au · 1800 034 588·
Skateparks, Skate Spots & Blog

Name: Matt Bodon

or Matty B
as my mates call me

been skating around
three almost
four years now

I'm sort of into photog
And take a couple of pics
here and there

I use a D40X
just a learner's DSLR
but it gets the job done

MSN for the classifieds peeps : matthew.bodon@live.com.au

well, peas out

shop@skateboard.com.au · 1800 034 588·