Melbounre Suburbs Footage

Coolereis 00:24 18/Oct/05

Here a clpi i made over the weekend of wit hme nips adn adam skating around coburg and melbourne uni 14.7 mb about 2 and a hlaf minuts long. illl put up a smaller version later my brother is a fuck face shit hole

gay fag 00:33 18/Oct/05

can i have it now?

James... 00:33 18/Oct/05

you have to view it in your mind. its all mental telepathy and shit.. sick clip

murph daddy. 01:34 18/Oct/05

thats sick man! manual 7 squares in the footpath haha.

mitchypoo... 01:41 18/Oct/05

the flip back fitty on eltoro was my fav

SIMRAN. 06:09 18/Oct/05

adam as in ant sk8er

Coolereis 06:11 18/Oct/05

nah, doesnt go on forums, ill put up a smaller one soon, waiting for upload

seargent nips 06:18 18/Oct/05

not that adam . the one who bs flipped the uni gap. that clip was funny mayn.

seargent nips 06:19 18/Oct/05

check the pop on my fs flip line(N)

aaron.. 06:19 18/Oct/05

yer yer nips!!! alright clip, the fliming was a bit ordinary but its alright

mike dd 06:35 18/Oct/05

wow that skateboarding sounds heaps good, too bad its an all white screen for me. it says some shit about the wrong compressor or something

Coolereis 06:39 18/Oct/05

yeah downlaod quicktime 7 or pro or something

gay fag 06:43 18/Oct/05

how bout yu compress so its better.

Coolereis 07:02 18/Oct/05 happy, 5.7 mb

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