fun footage

[K] KR3W [K] 23:09 30/Nov/05

no blank i was'nt talking about your clips, i was ment to be saying i'm not blank like dumb, almost fresh must of thought i was talking about your clips

murph daddy. 22:16 20/Jan/06

whos the mad dog in the bowl?

.JAKE. 13:43 25/Jan/06

thatt was heaps good

[K] KR3W [K] 00:58 27/Jan/06

i don't see a dog in the bowl? but i think it's u murph

.krewsin. 12:47 27/Jan/06

i think baker 4 might come out before aus vegas...
i said that about baker 3 coming out before aus vegas as a joke but i actually think they might make and release baker 4 first

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