Arsehole friends

zola 22:50 27/May/14

Do you know someone who is just a big cunt to you?

potii 23:04 27/May/14

Yeah you cunt

imgne_ 10:18 28/May/14

I like cunts

Ron Swanson
Ron Swanson 11:01 28/May/14

I'm with imgne on this.

krim 12:43 28/May/14

Monkz once bought a carton on cigs on the black market and tried to sell them to all of his best mates at full price.

monkz 19:10 28/May/14

Hey hey hay now. Like I said at the time "I gots to make my money". When u was hungover once I asked Krim for a glass of water, he delivered it giggling but I drank it anyway... It was vinegar.

He also peed on me... See the first Hoon vid.

krim 14:00 29/May/14

Haha. The vinegar prank was one of my most proudest moments.

Monkz jumped off Dan Sarri's roof into some hedges completely ruining them and then he blamed Kevo for it and to this day Mr. Sarri still hates Kevo for doing it and every time he sees him he asks him for compensation.

NIKEEEM 18:30 29/May/14

Keep these stories coming please ^^

monkz 18:43 29/May/14

Krim used to steal money from Dan Sarri parents house. He would swipe change that dans dad would empty out of his pocket when he came home from work.

drew 19:20 29/May/14

I spewed on my mates wall and covered it up with posters. I could go on forever here.

monkz 22:34 29/May/14

Hey Drew. I seem to recall you punched Krim in the face really hard in Melbourne about 10 or 12 years ago. I laughed so that makes us both arseholes.

drew 22:51 29/May/14

Yeah that's true, I feel like a bad mate,I think Jim shat on Shane's rental van that night too. Bad, bad mate.

potii 23:06 29/May/14

I once stole 20 bucks i found in a birthday card on the floor of a mate's 18th. I have no regrets

drew 23:19 29/May/14

I did a burn out on an injured rabbit

krim 11:35 30/May/14

Drew also busted his brother having some "alone time" while watching Beverly Hills Cop 2 and told everyone about it. Then when the internet got invented he told the internet as well. Aye Whole.

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