Vagabond 17:26 02/Aug/08

On Thursday I packed me gear and set sail - there was ice on my car that morning in Canberra. 20 hours later I didn't know my arse from my elbow, and was standing at Portland airport to be picked up by Australia's lovable hero - Dorfus who had a beer waiting and the weather was bewdiful....

A few beers later and I was privileged to visit the hallowed ground of Burnside

halfcab333 18:24 02/Aug/08

sick parks

crumble 01:31 03/Aug/08

fuck yeah vagabond. tell dorfus and butcher campbell says g'day cunts.

Duff 03:11 03/Aug/08

potty that last park looks like heaven

drew 04:00 03/Aug/08

awesome vagabond... you lucky ninja

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 04:03 03/Aug/08

Livin the "Parks I'd like to skate" dream huh Vagabond. Lucky buggar!

imgne 04:04 03/Aug/08

i need to take a shower after seeing these parks..

insurance 07:28 03/Aug/08

steve greeves plants his nose on that t-rex head in his strangenotes movin' up video. those parks look sick.

Fetus 07:50 03/Aug/08

wow... new 'shit i'd like to skate' thread indeed

good work Luke keep up with the documentation!

ginourmous awesome 11:05 03/Aug/08

yo how close are these parks to portland? im going to be there for like two days in a month. they look so amazing

Vagabond 18:25 03/Aug/08

they're all in Portland dude, there's plans for 18 new parks to be built over the next little while, the three parks I just mentioned are all the start of that...

halfcab333 19:17 03/Aug/08

fuck this im moving to portland

momiz 21:38 03/Aug/08

ha cool ya shredding with mel noah and suze

so lealous of those parks

momiz 21:42 03/Aug/08

haha jealous

GEEBZ 22:22 03/Aug/08

Dam what a nice way to start monday morning.

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