Removing Whiteout From Griptape

GOON BAGG 07:03 23/Aug/08

Anyone know how to?? i drew something on my board i dont want there anymore

Boardslide_kid 07:08 23/Aug/08

Rubbing poo on it works really well. Just be sure to wash it after

southaus_skate 07:08 23/Aug/08

black paint works just as well

or try both

dubs 07:10 23/Aug/08

making a thread about it will definately help

braddox 07:40 23/Aug/08

don't putting it on in the first place is a goodun as well.

.shorty. 07:44 23/Aug/08

new griptape

QUIRK 07:51 23/Aug/08

what did you draw/write on it?

Big Joey 07:52 23/Aug/08

you need to work up a sweat, either go do some push ups, or have a game of footy with the boys, drip the sweat on the board, heaps sexually, then spoof in the bearings, makes em go super fast/sexy.

Fat Max 08:06 23/Aug/08

thats what i did, and by george did it work!^

brockollie. 08:14 23/Aug/08

dont write your girlfriends name on there from the start.

moore 09:24 23/Aug/08

use blackout

imgne 09:34 23/Aug/08


frugy 09:46 23/Aug/08

just leave it there, you will just get a new one eventually, and probably do the same thing again..

swano 12:36 23/Aug/08

same as tattoo removal....angle grinder!

Can O Corn 13:07 23/Aug/08

close your eyes and pretend its seaman

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