Beef To Reef

Potty2617 02:39 14/Jan/25

Entering a fourth year of collaboration, BEEF TO REEF was a trip from Mount Isa to Magnetic Island that brought Vans, Pass~Port, Hoddle, and Build Up back together for a week of regional spot hunting and community events.

We have always mixed community engagement into our itinerary. Skatepark events at Mount Isa and Townsville ensured this trip was no different. Both stops were packed, allowing us to connect with the local skate community, build boards with the kids and leave the equipment behind with local organisations for continued use. Through the donation of gear and creating opportunities for local youth, we aim to leave a lasting impact that extends well beyond the workshops delivered.

Featuring Jack Kirk, Adelaide Norris, Matthieu Lucas-D'Souza, Digby Luxton, Callum Paul & Yuma Takei | Filmed by Jon Fitzgerald | Photography by Bryce Golder | Produced by Trent Evans, Jack Dowden & Jon Fitzgerald

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