Ocean Grove

Fletch 02:06 11/May/05

Apparently, ther are plans for a new Park near the surfside centre with street and bowl sections.

Anyone know anything about this? was in one of the local papers last week I didnt see the article.

Dion 09:36 11/May/05

cool i was there at xmas time and might go back

jack crook
jack crook 12:20 11/May/05

they cant kill the old park, that parks fucking hot

Fletch 01:46 12/May/05

Jack its going to be an extension of the existing mega facility

from what i saw in the govt application theres a kidney bowl and a street section no time frame that im aware of

Fletch 23:24 09/Dec/07

Latest news..........has been a meeting between Council, Convic and some local skater representatives.

Convic have submitted a plan which includes a bowl and street section. Have not seen the plan, only info form the councils project manager.

Should be another meeting shortly. If all goes smothly, I hear Convic would like to build the park in tandem with Barwon heads

.:JAMES:. 08:00 14/Dec/07

agreed ^^

drew 12:24 14/Dec/07

kill the old park, get back the old vert ramp and tim james... anyone who can tell me shit that tim james did on the old vert ramp, or dale z, gets major free shit. penis penis penis

jimstar 20:10 14/Dec/07

Zuey, king of the Techo lip tricks at the time, chink chinks, glory to glory's, huge pogo's, I shit you not, plus he could blast out of that tight little number.
Timi was spinning Mctwists on that thing and the best lein airs and Miller styled boned FS airs at the time.

Fletch 03:54 18/Dec/07

Tim has a beer at the OG golfie from time to time. Had a major stack earlier this year bombing a local hill after a few too many beers.

He also had a ramp in his yard if it's the same guy, which I think it is.

Looks like Jimmy gets the penis penis penis

Fletch 22:34 14/Jan/08

I few of us have seen the plans for both the bowl and St stages for the new OG park.

the decision of which stage to go ahead with 1st is yet to be made.

The bowl looks awesome, sort of like a dick with a square knob and balls side view, but that's not why I like it. Round bowl 8ft,then a scalloped side wall turning a corner into square shallow end. roll in hip that could be aired from both sides.

St is fairly standard traditional style stairs rails etc

!J.D!ROMAN NUMERAL 2 06:23 15/Jan/08

post some pics?

Fletch 00:10 16/Jan/08

I will when it's built...have only seen plans at this stage. will post a copy as soon as they are available for general viewing

dean123 07:13 16/Jan/08

when is the building going to get started?

Fletch 22:30 16/Jan/08

Dean, was talk of it being done in tandem with Barwon heads. Untill the next meeting I dont have any fuirther info. will post when I know something

*Julian* 07:40 28/Jan/08

theres been a fence around og park and the surfside centre the last week i think there about to knock out the old skatepark
haha nooooooooo og park

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