Meadow Heights got a nice face lift, loads more pics in the thread.
Upgrade in progress
Redlynch Skatepark 2 days ago or SIGNAL 🆔🚥 ( SHARDSNOW.89 ) Melbourne DMT,coke,mdma, Melbourne
lsd,ket,ice,cold,shard,charlie,weed,broc,hot,gear,puff,clouds,snow,dexies,oxy,roxy,coco,shroom,cola, Melbourne tina,gina, mushies, edibles, coke, meth, Melbourne GHB, black tar, Xananx bars, oxys, Lyrica 

Md cap , mdma crystals , Melbourne benzos, pingas , puff puff , coke , charlie , snow white , sniff , pingas , gbl ghb , drinks , Dexies 

Weed Coke Ice Cold Bud Mdma Lsd Xtc Charlie Benzo Meth Dexies Xannies Oxy Ice Shard Crack 

weed, MDMA , LSD, acid tabs, dexies, keta, DMT, mushies, edibles, coke, meth, GHB, black tar, Xan bars, oxys, Lyrica 

Md cap , mdma crystals , benzos, pingas , puff puff , coke , charlie , snow white , sniff , pingas , gbl ghb , drinks , Dexies 

Weed Coke Ice Cold Bud Mdma Lsd Xtc Charlie Benzo Meth Dexies Xannies Oxy Ice Shard Crack
Race Course 4 2 days ago
I would love to go to a skate park like with my Santa Cruz Pokémon skateboards in FL . They well... are just a perfect blend of childhood memories and top-tier skating gear, totally recommended
Chaska Skate Park 2 days ago
Unfortunately the map here isn't working anymore. Use spots2skate to find more spots or add your local spots, parks and shops here!
Emilienstrabe Bowl 2 days ago
An absolutely horrible park. Avoid.
Carson City Skate Park 2 days ago
holy shit this park used to look like shit worse than the old pk one i never even got to skate singos when it was like this
Singleton Skatepark 2 days ago