Dorfus Interview

Interview: Dorfus (photos and questions by Vagabond)

Lincoln City - Frontside Air - photo by Luke Brown

Over some beers of course �cheers mate.

Yeah cheers mate!

Alright well there's been a rumour that Dorfus was dead. Do you want to confirm or deny that rumour?

Ha ha well I guess I'm talking so I must be alive! Yeah there was a rumour goin around the northern suburbs of Adelaide that Dorfus was dead, so just to confirm that - no I'm not dead.

So where's home at the moment and how long have you been in the states now?

I moved to Portland Oregon in January of 2007. Came out to start a new beginning with Evette who's now my lovely wife. So we're living out here and doin some time round here for now.

So you're a fully-fledged seppo now that you're married?

Well I 'spose I'm half way there. Heh heh, I'm a permanent resident. I'm not actually taking up a citizenship or anything, but I am a legal resident of the United States yeah.

And ah how are you surviving over here given that there's no Bundy Rum or meat pies?

Well it's been a pretty tough road. I have had to go cold turkey, no thanks to any of me mates out there that said they were gonna send me rum but never fkn did. But thanks to Suzy and Noah I think I've had more than me fair share lately and I'm not quite too sure how much I'm missing it. Ha ha nah that's a lie, I do miss it but I forgot how gnarly it was.

Heh heh I can testify to that. Well, I hear that there's some double trouble on the way then?

Yeah Evette and I found out that she was pregnant a coupla months ago now, and then we went to an ultrasound recently and discovered that there was two of the little bastards in there. Well one's a girl and one's a boy so we got the best of both worlds there and hopefully that all works out nicely.

Burnside - Back Tail - photo by Luke Brown

Nice. Are there any plans of the Dorfus family coming back to Australia in the future?

Hell yeah. Fkn Oath. We'll be coming back around 2010 I guess, around March is when all my immigration deals come to an end and hopefully they'll give me a good report and then it will be good to move back to Australia after that.

Yeah mate, will be great to have ya back. What are some of your favourite spots at the moment then. What do enjoy the most?

Burnside is just down the road and I skate there pretty much all the time. And there's tonnes of good spots around, I've been trekkin out to Lincoln City a bit which is one of my favourites at the moment. There's lots of other spots as you know that are pretty bloody good but the majority of the time I get sucked back into the Burnside vortex.

Of course, of course. Well we hit Orcas Island recently (which is entirely concrete and pool block coping) and I was told that you somehow managed to grind every block at the park. How did that eventuate?

Ah ha. Yeah, well that was back in 2005 when Suzy, Noah and Mark came out and me and Boozy were there too. And Suzy comes out with, 'well if ya can grind every block I'll give ya a bottle of whisky.' So I was like sure. So we skated in the morning and then swam and drank some beers. Then we came back and I was feeling pretty bloody good and ended up doing it.

How many blocks was it, I mean there's some weird ones there to get to, how'd you manage that?

Well I believe there was 235. Some bits you had to ollie up or down to. There was a little one of the side of the vert wall and I ended up having to grind up the side of the wall enough to scratch me truck on that one that was six inches wide or somethin. I think it just took havin some good times and hanging out with a good crew and just having fun. Just skating shit whatever heh heh.

Orcas - Love Seat Ollie - photo by Luke Brown

Sick. Any comments about anyone who's ripping at the moment, those to look out for?

Ah there's heaps of c*nts. The Butcher is always ripping and one of my favourite people to skate with, he's probably my best friend out here. Pete Gunn and the Confessor. Bloody hell and all the fkn Burnside crew are too many to mention. But those three would be my favourites.

Alrighty then. I heard you make a comment the other day about not liking amusement park rides or something. You'll skate gnarly concrete but won't hit a roller coaster?

Ha ha ha, nah I'm fkn scared shitless of those things. I went to a show in Salem last year and Evette got me to go onto one ride and it was kind of a mellow one, and I couldn't take it. I had my eyes closed the whole time!

Ha ha classic! That's great. What about dirty thirty comin up, changing anything?

Nah. Dirty 15, dirty 21, dirty 30 - they're all good times mate. Maybe I'm getting a little greyer that's for sure. I'm sure by the time these two kids come out I'll probably be getting a little more grey too. But it's all about the same principal of having a good time in life and hanging out with some good mates, skateboarding and having fun checking out new places. Progressing in life I guess and having a damn bloody good time as it goes along. That's what I've come to realise. I love skateboarding and I love having a good time and that's about as far as I want to take it.

Good philosophy mate. That's about all I have for now. Thanks and any last words?

I just wanna say G'day to all me fkn mates back home, all over the country. All the crew that have had good times hanging out. I haven't forgotten about anyone that means anything to me. Can't wait to come back and can't wait for some other c*nts to come over and visit some time! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and havin good times again.

No worries, cheers Dorfus.

Fkn oath. Cheers!

Lincoln City - Low to High - photo by Luke Brown

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