Jack Fardell Interview

Jack Fardell Interview

Interview Vagabond, Photos Peters, Vagabond & Nathan Mollison

So Jack, you recently lived for a stint on the coast near Newy, where abouts exactly and what was it like?

I was living an hour north of Newcastle in a coastal town called Fingal bay, which is in Port Stephens. Really relaxed place with amazing beaches, so I was surfing most of the time. Not much going on skatewise, but other than that, good vibes.

So now you�re back up around the Goldy again?

Yeah my family live in Elanora, which is just behind Palm Beach. 2 minute walk from the Elanora Bowl, 5 minute walk to the beach.

FSA - Peters

Sweet! So what�s the scene like there, has it changed much since you left?

Definitely hasn't changed. The Gold Coast has a pretty rad skate scene. A bunch of good dudes that always want to skate and love to have a beer. There�s been a bunch of new skateparks gone up as of late. Always good to come home to.

Every time I see you, you�ve reinvented yourself somewhat. Was it hard to adjust to skating in a big f*ck off akubra? Doesn�t seem to bother ya.

I wouldn't say I reinvented myself, I just bought a hat. Keeps my hair out of my face when I skate and stops me getting so fucking sunburnt. My Pop actually gave me his Akubra when I was super young, which I used to wear when I was a kid. I've got it hanging in my bedroom now.

You�ve been schralping a fair bit of tranny lately, are you still scraping the tail on the streets?

Tranny is my favourite shit to skate. Fast lines and pool coping, you can�t beat it. I still scrape the tail though, sometimes I�ll just get a littlefire and want to go jump down some shit. You have to mix it up or it feels too repetitive.

Back D - Nathan Mollison

A bit has changed with your sponsorship, how�s things tracking now?

Couldn't be better, I�m super stoked with where I�m at. I�m skating for Hurley clothing now, which is fucking rad.The Team manager Mitch and everyone at Hurley are super cool, it�s a full family vibe which makes you feel a part of something. I�m on Anti Hero through Mr Ventress. I've wanted to skate for Anti Hero since I was a fucking kid, so it�s amazing to be riding the boards. Ben looks after me so much, I�m really stoked. I've been skating for Globe for about 4 years now, which is rad. Having Mappy as your TM is always going to be Good! I also skate for Independent trucks, best trucks in the fucking world. Bones Wheels, Modus bearings and Skullcandy keeps the slayer blasting.

Anything in the works with Akubra?

Not sure, but I know I'm getting an Anti-Hero ad.

Oath! It�s definitely been the summer of bowl skating. What are some of the events you�ve been in?

It sure has, been an amazing summer for bowl events. I skated in the Hurley Australian Bowl Championships at bar beach in Newcastle. That bowl is amazing! I skated in the Australian Open Beach Bowl event, in Manly. Hurley brought in the Sol Bowl from overseas and set it up on the sand. That event was out of control, the line up to get into the grand stands were ridiculous. The last contest I skated in after that was the Bondi Bowlarama. That shit was out of control, an amazing event.

5050 - Peters

Yeah it can be hard for the plebs to get a look in with that much hype. What was the highlights?

Honestly, it was one of the best two weeks I've had. The Manly Beach Bowl event was the weekend before Bowlarama. We stayed in Manly a week then moved to Bondi for a week. The highlights for me were just hanging out with a bunch of rad guys that are now good mates. The skateboarding was amazing and I was just hyped to make the finals at Bondi.

Who�s skating did you like the most? Any guys to watch out for?

It would be so hard to pick one skater that I was most psyched on, but Pedro (Barros) is out of control. His style has grown a lot, and just the way he fucks shit up is rad.

What was your favourite event?

I�d have to say Bowlarama.

Any lowlights?

That it all came to an end. I definitely have plans to come back next year.

Nosegrind Tailgrab - Peters

Any funny stories from these events?

Hanging out with the Rangas, Shauny and Flaz, they�re like an old couple. Two of the funniest bastards you'll ever drink with. Just hanging out with them is the funniest story you could tell.

Ha ha yeah being a ranga myself, their �Rangas on the Road� blog made me proud. Every photo of Flaz was with a different chick! Any stories you care to share?

Ha. Nothing and I can think of or can say out loud!

So, do you skate with your bro Bugs very much?

Yeah for sure, he came down to Bondi and stayed with me for the week to hang out for the event. We've both been travelling a lot lately so when we cross paths on the road, or are at home, we skate together a bunch. Kid is fucking killing it.

Bummed you missed the low key Belco Bowl Jam event we had in memory of our dear mate Todd Webster?

Super bummed, the Hurley bowl comp was on in Newcastle that weekend and I had to fly down a few days prior. I wanted to be there you know, to have a beer for and a skate for Todd. He was one of the funniest, raddest dudes I had the privilege of calling a mate. He�s still fuckin flyin.

True dat. Where�s your favourite places to skate while you�re at home?

Old Pizzey Bowl or Elanora, it�s the best concrete around. Nimbin just got put up as well, not too far from where I live and that park is really rad.

Alleyoop - Nathan Mollison

Who do you skate with at home?

Usually the dogkunt crew - Pat Dandy, Bugs, Jezza, Peewee and my roommate Raf. There�s a bunch of guys ripping up here at the moment, it�s really good to see.

Have you got any travel plans for the rest of the year?

Yeah it�s going to be a busy one. Head back to the states for the US open in Huntington, and just do a bunch more skating. I�ve got a few trips to go on over there, so it will be good times.

Nice, I�m jealous! Thanks for the interview. By the way that gap to lippy at Five Dock was insane. I love Five dock!

Thanks mate. Five Dock is rad!

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