
Phots/Interview Moey

Kicky - Moey

Where are you from and what brings you to Australia?

I�m from Alabama/Florida. I was living in California in 2010 and I met Kirksy, Brass, Jimmy Roche and Jezza. We were all living together and they were like, �fuck dude, you should come to Australia�. They gave me the chance to come out here and stay for free so I basically just had to pay for my flight. So yeah I did that, skated for a bit, met a chick, hung out with her more, got a Visa and here I am today.

What was it like acquiring the Visa you have today?

It was pretty tough, the Visa itself was over 100 pages long, the part that you fill out. It�s a de facto Visa. They said it would take up to 9 months to process but it only took 4, which was good.

Cool. Okay, so what happens on a Monday for Jon Fitzgerald?

I wake up at 6 o�clock in the morning, have a shower, am at work by 7. I�m a prep chef at a restaurant; so I have to help this chef with slicing stuff, make sandwiches, make pizzas, help him make sauces and soups and stuff. It�s a nice caf�. It�s right near Lincoln so when I get off work at 3pm I go meet up with �da boys and skate. Usually go to the movies with my lady on a Monday too.

So what happens on a Saturday for you?

Wake up around 10:30, get food off Rathdown St. Meet up with the boys at Lincoln and go skate.

Varial Heel - Moey

Where have you traveled outside of Australia?

Nowhere really. I took my chick back to the States and stuff. Met the parents. I�ve been privileged enough to go to Tasmania 3 times now and that�s always been amazing. If you�re from Australia and you�ve never been to Tasmania you�re blowing it.

Haha awesome. What�s your favourite thing about Tasmania?

It�s just a nice place. Had a lot of good times skating and hanging out with my girl friend. There�s a monkey park in Launceston, which is cool.

For all the people that don�t know what Beer Money is, what is it?

Beer Money is a crew and it came from the mind of Jack Kirk. We were on the Poon Run and he was like, �Man I�m just gonna fucken start a company and it�s gonna be call Beer Money, and it�s just gonna be a beer can with a logo on it.� We all just laughed in his face at the time. A year and a half later everyone is repping Beer Money stickers and tee shirts and there are a few tattoos going around. It�s good, a bunch of people involved. Bryce (Golder) made a video out of it with his iPhone which was really good. It�s just a bunch of Aussies and Kiwis and a few Americans.

Awesome. How was it staying at Dane�s house in Sydney a few weeks back?

It was good, his grand parents are the greatest. They took good care of us. Nanna Faye is a legend, she always got mad at us for making our beds and not eating her food. Remember when she made us soup and she was like, �did you boys have tea?� and we said �we already had McDonalds.� And she said, � I don�t even feel sorry for you.� Haha

Yep! Haha. How long have you known Dane? What can you tell me about him?

As much as he�s an asshole he�s always been good to me. I met him in the States in 2008 maybe? When the Fallen video came out. He came to the States for the Fallen video but he was left behind at Blackbox with me and (Ben) Gilley. I think me and Gilley were his first friends in the States. But yeah he�s the fucken man, he�s my friend.

FS 180 - Moey

Alright cool. What happened in Sydney at Danes?

Sydney was a 10 day trip of us just skating, going to see The Hobbit and staying at Nanna Faye�s house having Pizza parties with you and Dane. Skating all day with you, me, Dane, Stippo, Jake, Getrad, George and then go to the supermarket, get some pizzas, feed Dane�s snake Murphy and watch skate videos.

What happened on the Poon Run a few years back?

It was December 2011, a trip with about 13 dudes from Sydney to Brisbane. Dane organized the whole thing. Almost 2 weeks. I rolled my ankle at the start of the trip and it rained so I couldn�t skate anymore but we had fun in other ways.

Fun in other ways?

Well, camping with the homies, prank phone calls.

Alright so what happened with this Pat Gemzik prank call? I�ve been asked to ask you�

Well I think he thought we were making a personal attack against him when we weren�t. We made an array of phone calls on that trip and I think he just took the bait a little worse than everyone else did and we just ran with it. As you would with any prank phone call, it wasn�t a personal attack. That shit was like a year and a half ago so I don�t know why we�re talking about it, haha.

So people retaliated after this phone call?

Haha I don�t know why we�re talking about this. Yeah it was pretty heavy, there were threats. You�re gonna get me beat up over this interview.

Haha okay� So you worked at Blackbox in the States?

Yeah it was fucken sick. I worked with Sean Sheffey, how good it that. I was there for 6 months then moved here (Aus) and ended up working at the Vans warehouse.

BS Lip - Moey

Are you getting hooked up by anyone at the moment?

The dudes at Blackbox have always been good about hooking me up with Zero boards, they�re fucken awesome. Thanks so much to those legends. Andrew Mapstone has been hooking me up with Vans shoes, which is so awesome.

And Kirksy for the Beer Money stickers?

Oh yeah I gotta thank Jack Kirk for the Beer Money stickers! Actually no, fuck Kirksy, thank you Geoff Kirk! Thank you Geoff and Jack, legends. And The Loons! Thanks so much to Louie for sending me a box of We The Loons stuff. Out of the blue Louie hit me up and sent me some stuff. Support that shit! Tasmania is fucken amazing haha, wanna go back so bad.

Sick. What do you think about local Aussie stuff?

Without trying to kiss too much ass I�m gonna say that Fast Time is fucken local and they�ve helped me out a lot, Fast Times is the shit. It�s awesome, they have a really good crew of people running it who actually know what they�re talking about, they�ve got a pool table and beer taps too. It�s the place we can all hang out, they give back to a lot of the kids. They�re fucken sick.

Amen. So you�re filming for Geoffs new video? Sitting on a few clips?

Yeah Geoff�s (Campbell) video, Cunny�s Box. Got some clips but it�s not as good as Ducky�s (Casey Foley) footage.

Ollie - Moey

Awesome. Besides Ducky, who else has been killing it?

Damn, ummm, Gucci Buck (Tim Williams), Max (Couling), Kirksy, Callum (Paul), everyone! Beer Money, #coldbeeriscoming. Be on the look out for Casey Foley.

What is the whole deal with Geoff�s video? What do you know that others don�t?

Umm, it�s gonna be this 3 part thing, 3 sections, 1 video. Full sections from America, Melbourne and Japan. I think people are gonna be really excited about it, it�s gonna be really fucken good.

How come people don�t know about it?

I guess people expect too much if there�s advertising for it. He�s just gonna bring it out.

You should just go ahead and tell everyone about it now� Hype that shit.

Okay cool, I feel privileged. Cunny�s Box - it�s a game. If someone�s trying a trick and you feel confident in them trying the trick you put a box of beers on it �for this try�. It goes around the circle of all the people playing the game and whoever�s try it is for when the person lands the trick, you gotta buy the box. So the person lands the trick and everyone playing gets beer at the end, everyone wins. It just so happened that Geoff had to buy the first box.

The first 3 boxes!

HAHA yeah 3 boxes! I think Brass came up with that name. Don�t quote me but yeah I think Brass came up with it. That�s the name of the video � Cunny�s Box. It will be one of the best skate videos to come out of Australia. You can quote me on that.

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