Lord Sherwood

need a giggle?

matty leigh

22:26 25/Jan

i thought rego was at 9:00. oh well, i like to a lot of time to nail everything. i'm gunna have to get up before 8 on a weekend which is just lain wrong

matty leigh

23:50 25/Jan

what's the bust factor out of 5 for martin place?

matty leigh

23:45 25/Jan

marc johnson died trying to grind the harbour bridge. i cant believe someone actually tried to make me believe that

matty leigh

18:11 25/Jan

that was one sexy as krooks. tripple props. tailslide was pretty sick as well

matty leigh

14:51 25/Jan

hehe. what are you doing today? i'm bored as fuck and tomorows comp is cancelled

matty leigh

13:37 25/Jan

it has been postponed to febuary 10. starts at 5pm, night comp! wild in the parks is still on though

matty leigh

18:20 25/Jan

that is soooo sexy. hips, rail, ledge. where's dover?
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