Idiot on rememberence day

Darth 14:40 17/Nov/06

I agree with John Fox, but seriosly i would hate to be that kid right now, he's gonna get owned.

JERUONE. 14:45 17/Nov/06

whoa fuck, can't believe this is still going. a kid made noise with a skateboard, bad timing but whinging on a forum isn't going to make you go back in time and stop him doing it.

Darth 14:59 17/Nov/06

but a conspiracy to smash the little fucker who tarnished every skateboarders reputation will stop him and anybody else for doing it in the future.

JERUONE. 15:35 17/Nov/06

that's gonna solve it all, right? i mean a whole bunch of 30+ year old skateboarders beating up on a teenage skateboarder isn't going to tarnish every skateboarders reputation is it?

ChInEsE rOcKs 15:53 17/Nov/06

fucking arshole

Darth 15:55 17/Nov/06

well not that i'm gonna bash him coz it would cost me too much money to get to sydney but im 17 not 30, and im sure that there are plenty of people as old as Mitchy-poo who would want to lay him out because he is a dud. But yeah, it might not fix it, but it sure as hell would prevent it from happening again, oh and it wouyld teach him a good lesson about respect too. You see, jeruone, its all about learning!

Jemz 16:20 17/Nov/06

some floggers never learn even when subjected to beatdowns.

eshays lad 19:54 23/Sep/08

lets bring this thread back to hate on this cunt!!

dean123 20:03 23/Sep/08


eshays lad 20:06 23/Sep/08


nintedo. 21:04 23/Sep/08

RE: Idiot on rememberence day

23:25 11/Nov

yeah (whip noises x2)...thats disrespectful..send him on a boat and make him fight a strong countr

winner of thread.

shutdown 08:56 25/Sep/08

Darth Wrote: "Fuck I would hate to be mitchy-poo right now, but if i was, i probably wouldn't have been such an oxygen thieving little tool by making noise during the 1 minute silence."

Man, don't refer to this piece as Mitchy-poo.

Im not overly offended by some skate tool dis-respecting rememberance day, lets face it, many skaters can be real anti-social dicks at times, We can't expect some young clown to know the difference between giving some security guard shit and giving war vets crap as wrong as it may be. Error of judgement and lack of education doesnt mean we should all start a lynch mob and make him an an outcast possibly fucking him up for the rest of his life and resulting in him blazing up his highschool with a semi-auto...

But to refer to him as 'mitchy-poo' DID get up my goat Darth. There will only be one and im sure as shit he doesnt deserve to have his name tainted with the likes of this tool..

R.I.P. The Real Mitchypoo..

Polly Steyrene 10:58 25/Sep/08

That kid gave me a wristy for a cornetto once.

bob sacamano 11:24 25/Sep/08

"that's gonna solve it all, right? i mean a whole bunch of 30+ year old skateboarders beating up on a teenage skateboarder isn't going to tarnish every skateboarders reputation is it?"

haha 30+ year old skateboarders... haha

ODB 11:57 25/Sep/08

This thread is so shit and old!
Fuck you!

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