Chongo Mota 03:57 20/Jul/05

Nuke the whole area and start again !!!

owen. 13:56 20/Jul/05

unfortunately i hear chad ford polished enough knob at council to design the park

Sidey 22:23 20/Jul/05

what have you heard owen ?
a new design in motion?

vibez 00:26 21/Jul/05

is that a bball hoop in the top left? nice touch;)

owen. 11:26 21/Jul/05

nah chad ford changing jenkins' design

Sidey 23:08 21/Jul/05

oh, sounding suspciously like another "sydney" park to me.
Hopefully some else like jenkins can critique his changes.
Damn, whoever is involved get your opinion heard for everyones sake.
I'd rather this thing take longer than a fast crap park get built.
I have the council doods name and contact if anyone needs it.

CRITTER!!! 23:51 21/Jul/05

Y dont either of these parks have a pole jam???

Sidey 22:52 16/Aug/05

is someone going to the meeting this arvo?
Need people there I guess. I dunno what is actually going to to go on though.

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 03:48 17/Aug/05

I'll be there!

JOHN FOX 06:45 17/Aug/05

can anyone update this thread wih the latest designs tendered ?
Can someone get a copy or photo to post up here tonite ?

Dont forget : " you can please some of the skaters some of the time but you can't please all the skaters all of the time "

Sidey 22:20 17/Aug/05

So true john.

So what happened yesterday?

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 02:42 18/Aug/05

Meeting was ok. Probably about 30 skaters turned up.

Aaron and lads had a new design that I thought was the best of all options. I'm wishing that I asked for copies of their 3d pictures to post on here.

The size of the park has been reduced by about a quarter due to council having to rebuild the big bank that runs off the park just to put in a path for pedestrians at street level.

Chad had a design that fit the new reduced size, which was a pretty good design with ledges, stairs and rails, but far too many flat banks. (No tranny, which was good)

Aarons design (which he had walked around the park and spray painted in) was filled with ledges, stairs, rails, kickers, double set, hubbas, manny pads. It looks really good in the 3d pics.

If people want to skate pyramids and fun boxes, there is always Maroubra and Homebush for that stuff.

Pig. 02:45 18/Aug/05

Cheers for that mick!

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 04:37 18/Aug/05

Ok.. I just spoke to Aaron, and he's gonna send me the 3d pics tonight (I hope he remembers).

cantskate 05:43 18/Aug/05

not too crash hot on aaron's double 3, tho. was really plesantly surprised over chad's design... he's done well.

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