steven griffin sponno

DNP07 17:50 19/Jun/06

thats was f n awsome

Chezwick 18:06 19/Jun/06

Its funny how you do seem to do the opposite of what i said and your filming of lines is fucking horrible from what i saw of some ASTF parts.(No hate on the skaters)
Like you might aswell not use a fisheye with what your sick Raynox clip on does.
Your never low enough and from what remember you cut off a fair few limbs. So if you wanna film like a dickhead just study 1 2 sev's clips. Practise and you'll be Noob filming in no time.
Chat Cunt

B_random 18:40 19/Jun/06

chezwick un called 4 i dunno who filmed it but it can be fixed geeze u anti skater

Chezwick 18:46 19/Jun/06

I wasnt hating on the clip then. It was a great clip with heaps good skating. Just hating back on ryan127 who hated on me. I was originally just saying what he could improve on with the filming. Its called constructive critisism.

pooks 18:50 19/Jun/06

b_random think before you speak

park shark 19:00 19/Jun/06

b_random lol

pooks 19:17 19/Jun/06


park shark 19:22 19/Jun/06


vulture steez 22:30 19/Jun/06

B_random HaMmErZ??? LoLZ

pooks 22:36 19/Jun/06

thats right marko, gnarley hamerz

RE: steven griffin sponno

pro alert 22:38 19/Jun/06

hahahahaha Chezwick you faggot

gallantry 22:55 19/Jun/06

RE: steven griffin sponno

Chezwick 17:47 20/Jun/06


Mr Potato Head 18:09 20/Jun/06

the music was gay and y did he just grab his board in the middle of a run?

vulture steez 18:12 20/Jun/06

because he is Steven Griffin.

he can do what he wants.

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