End Sheckler's almost ender

Pearso 09:05 01/Sep/08

I know this was ages ago
But I never found out who won the cash for it?
Did anyone ever get anything down the gap and is there footy of it?

Bamboo Banga!
Bamboo Banga! 09:07 01/Sep/08


ginourmous awesome 09:08 01/Sep/08

i dont think anyone bothered

nathanmcleod11 10:56 01/Sep/08

dnt no about other tricks but my friend ollied it while it was wet

imgne 10:59 01/Sep/08

pics or it didnt happen

nathanmcleod11 11:00 01/Sep/08

ill give u a frame grab but quality is shit

Lemmings 11:06 01/Sep/08

ZOMG JaKe SmYtH Sp00NoooO!!!111!!

getrad 11:29 01/Sep/08

haha holy shit, big fucking ups to that nigga. that gap is fucking insane, need to see it in real life to fully respect it.

Fetus 11:32 01/Sep/08

your friend is a king amongst men

nathanmcleod11 11:32 01/Sep/08

haha yer i got the footage but everyone wil have to wait till my movie comes out

dean123 11:34 01/Sep/08

no point waiting. you just wrecked it by posting the frame grab

nathanmcleod11 11:43 01/Sep/08

yeh but he never wanted it to be secret and its just for a small local video im making nothing big

imgne 11:45 01/Sep/08

fark yer...props

Polly Steyrene 11:50 01/Sep/08

Post it, you gimp.

nathanmcleod11 11:51 01/Sep/08


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