Market Research

TuN$tall 15:11 01/Oct/08

Hey drew you gotta fix the front page link!

will do it through here now...

drew 15:17 01/Oct/08

oooops, i pasted the wrong link, that was my secret link to see the results, not the survey page.... never happened

starch 15:25 01/Oct/08

the results should be fairly interesting.

TuN$tall 15:27 01/Oct/08

If those columns were positive rankings and negative rankings that works well because I can see opinions being divided over some companies and strong both ways, but not meaning you shouldn't stock them.

I didn't give a rating for wheels or truck companies as to be honest I'm not going to buy that stuff online. I just don't buy new trucks and wheels as I don't have preference. Whatever I can get is fine.

I guess you can tell if that stuff is worth stocking from sales anyway...

drew 15:29 01/Oct/08

results were a bit skewed anyway... most people voting this time of days are grumpy old office workers like myself, give it a few days

Fletch 15:32 01/Oct/08

No PPS, Kebbek, Landyachtz, Grind King, Bear, Rainskates, seismic, SMA, abec 11.

I guess I'm too old and skate diversified.

DeathMoth 15:35 01/Oct/08

yeh Drew, not that i'm a massive consumer of such products but you should get a bit more old school gear in. look how many old farts are on here! i may be mistaken but i went on charlie don't skate the other day and there was no shop any more.... niche market fool!

drew 15:39 01/Oct/08

hey Deathy, yeah old farts are a double edged sword.. have the $$$ but they dont go through boards that quick. Combined with the fact they're more inclined to get stuff direct from the US

(Langers) 15:43 01/Oct/08

Done and done... Spud and Phil are looking very pleased (well spud anyway!)

Choder Boy 15:46 01/Oct/08

No PPS, Kebbek, Landyachtz, Grind King, Bear, Rainskates, seismic, SMA, abec 11.

couple more years and none of these will still exist

DeathMoth 15:48 01/Oct/08

i see ya point Drew. however i reckon old cunts are more likely to get finicky and experimental with gear and see a skatey as more of an old EH wagon. hmmm would i get more speed if i had bigger flatter wheels, hmm would i be more comfy on a wider board...this wheel base is too small, dammit my vans have shat themselves again

i'm already asking these questions and i'm 23! how many fucking different bushings have i fucked with in the last 6months. those powell duel durometer things are the gun

drew 15:49 01/Oct/08

yeah no going back from bones bushings

Libertine. 15:51 01/Oct/08

This page of this thread reeks of mothballs.

Fletch 15:55 01/Oct/08

Choder boy, some of these brands have existed for 30 yrs and Downhill and slalom are the fastest growing segments in the skate industry.

Your right Deathy, Id hate to think of how much stuff i've tried over the years, and I still have most of it. Nah actually I love it all. Will be setting up some specific boards for a ditch slalom race this w/e in Canberra.

Fletch 16:02 01/Oct/08

As far as a shop goes though, stocking specialist products is a risk, stock what sells the most and provides the biggest profits.

As you say Drew, most of us older guys source our gear from the manufacturers or specialist online stores locally and OS.

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Market Research

Market Research

TuN$tall 15:11 01/Oct/08

Hey drew you gotta fix the front page link!

will do it through here now...

drew 15:17 01/Oct/08

oooops, i pasted the wrong link, that was my secret link to see the results, not the survey page.... never happened

starch 15:25 01/Oct/08

the results should be fairly interesting.

TuN$tall 15:27 01/Oct/08

If those columns were positive rankings and negative rankings that works well because I can see opinions being divided over some companies and strong both ways, but not meaning you shouldn't stock them.

I didn't give a rating for wheels or truck companies as to be honest I'm not going to buy that stuff online. I just don't buy new trucks and wheels as I don't have preference. Whatever I can get is fine.

I guess you can tell if that stuff is worth stocking from sales anyway...

drew 15:29 01/Oct/08

results were a bit skewed anyway... most people voting this time of days are grumpy old office workers like myself, give it a few days

Fletch 15:32 01/Oct/08

No PPS, Kebbek, Landyachtz, Grind King, Bear, Rainskates, seismic, SMA, abec 11.

I guess I'm too old and skate diversified.

DeathMoth 15:35 01/Oct/08

yeh Drew, not that i'm a massive consumer of such products but you should get a bit more old school gear in. look how many old farts are on here! i may be mistaken but i went on charlie don't skate the other day and there was no shop any more.... niche market fool!

drew 15:39 01/Oct/08

hey Deathy, yeah old farts are a double edged sword.. have the $$$ but they dont go through boards that quick. Combined with the fact they're more inclined to get stuff direct from the US

(Langers) 15:43 01/Oct/08

Done and done... Spud and Phil are looking very pleased (well spud anyway!)

Choder Boy 15:46 01/Oct/08

No PPS, Kebbek, Landyachtz, Grind King, Bear, Rainskates, seismic, SMA, abec 11.

couple more years and none of these will still exist

DeathMoth 15:48 01/Oct/08

i see ya point Drew. however i reckon old cunts are more likely to get finicky and experimental with gear and see a skatey as more of an old EH wagon. hmmm would i get more speed if i had bigger flatter wheels, hmm would i be more comfy on a wider board...this wheel base is too small, dammit my vans have shat themselves again

i'm already asking these questions and i'm 23! how many fucking different bushings have i fucked with in the last 6months. those powell duel durometer things are the gun

drew 15:49 01/Oct/08

yeah no going back from bones bushings

Libertine. 15:51 01/Oct/08

This page of this thread reeks of mothballs.

Fletch 15:55 01/Oct/08

Choder boy, some of these brands have existed for 30 yrs and Downhill and slalom are the fastest growing segments in the skate industry.

Your right Deathy, Id hate to think of how much stuff i've tried over the years, and I still have most of it. Nah actually I love it all. Will be setting up some specific boards for a ditch slalom race this w/e in Canberra.

Fletch 16:02 01/Oct/08

As far as a shop goes though, stocking specialist products is a risk, stock what sells the most and provides the biggest profits.

As you say Drew, most of us older guys source our gear from the manufacturers or specialist online stores locally and OS.

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