addictive games

Fetus 13:41 05/May/15
thing is blowing up - they keep building on it every day

Shaka bruh
Shaka bruh 13:47 06/May/15

Pretty fun and addicting.
Brb while I make this in to an iPhone game and become a thousandaire

switch fakie
switch fakie 23:15 06/May/15

fun run 2

add me- bigsparra

dez 22:32 27/May/15

Dota 2 and League of Legends go alright

Shaka bruh
Shaka bruh 20:50 01/Jun/15


cuntm8noworries 23:10 02/Jun/15

Soggy sayo

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 19:02 07/Jun/15

Boom beach. Join tf Westside dogs

STONE COLD STEVE AUS 17:27 03/Sep/15

RE: addictive games

skate in loafers 00:28 16/Oct/15

War thunder world of tanks Fifa 16 Nba2k16 any skateboarding game.
Unmechanical extended
Flick kick games
That sick surfing game pro surfing made by that dude who used to post on here probably still does possibly, traction games.
All games made by blizzard such as wow hearthstones fairly addictive
Counter strike
Always check steam and App Store or google play store. I have been playing broken age it seems fairly addictive since anything confusing does it for me
Grand theft auto seems addictive somewhat I cycle through games a lot to keep the buzz going. I went and got every free game from steam it is rediculous how much is there and I am an apple head. Get on to the Star Wars battlefront beta if you can or any first person shooter. Octagon was fairly addictive. Geometry wars is so good so get on to number 3 I have not played yet although reviews are very positive. Super meat boy is not my kind of addicting game although had me going for a fair while even when it became super difficult. Also any driving game. I can not think of anymore right now good luck hope to learn few from this thread and pick up on some forgotten ones

skate in loafers 00:53 16/Oct/15

keen as for wwe16

farming simulator and the civilisations games are great

elder scrolls online if you feel like grinding for free although wow seems like the go and you get play free until lvl20

stuff like pinball, darts and table tennis is one of my favorites

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