jamie stewart

.:chase 22:44 22/Dec/08

Apparently suicide.

Im gunna miss the days of jamie skating past with his big headphones on and a bag full of op shop stuff

jake_b 22:54 22/Dec/08

im gonna miss the days of jamie saying "man i gotta warm up a bit" then go and do something nuts down rail or quarter first shot.

that tre ruben posted is massive!

ChiefBEN 00:34 23/Dec/08

i got the call this morning.... theres alot of older melbourne forumers who would have skated with him years ago.. its so of the close guys i started skating with in the oogamatik monkeys.. so fucking sad, its been such a shit/strange day.. just remembering the times he would show up on my doorstep and wanna skate/hangout.. makes everything else seem so insignificant right now.. i will fucking miss you jamie
rest in peace

Henerz 01:02 23/Dec/08

man, so sad.
i remember a week ago me and mates were buying him trinkets at an op shop haha.
one of the funnest people to skate with.
he will be sadly missed.
rest in peace.

belle! 01:04 23/Dec/08

Rest in peace, jamie.

timwhy take three 01:07 23/Dec/08

sad to hear, R.i.P

mad dan 02:09 23/Dec/08

Sad day, didn't know jamie well but, i always loved seeing him skating was an inspiring person to watch skate

RGLZ 07:18 23/Dec/08

Heard about it this morning, not a good way to wake up. Jamie was a champ, will be missed. RIP

.:chase 12:57 23/Dec/08

RE: jamie stewart

.:chase 12:58 23/Dec/08

RE: jamie stewart

ady 20:13 23/Dec/08

Sorry I didn't get to meet him.
Sounds like an awesome fella!!
Row Boat Cops - sweet.

skim the fat 21:35 23/Dec/08

that kiky is amazing, sounds like a ripper.
rest in peace mate.

Harry & Lloyd 22:03 23/Dec/08


Torz 22:13 23/Dec/08

Only meet him a few times he was always the happiest chap at skate park.
R.I.Pman you will be missed

madcap 22:50 23/Dec/08


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