RIP Dean Turner ( Magic Dirt )

raphabee 04:01 23/Aug/09

Extremely sad news. Dean Turner (bass player in Magic Dirt) has died from cancer. He was only in his early 30s.

As well as being a great musician, Dean was a skater back in the day. I'm sure that Geelong skateboarders will remember him shredding at Corio and other Geelong spots.

Dean was a great friend. A warm, talented guy totally without pretension. He has helped so many bands and he represented everything great about rock n' roll. I feel so sorry for his wife Linda and two kids.

tom vb
tom vb 10:34 23/Aug/09

I'am in shock ..........when i was a kid going to Torquy to skate Dean was always down at the vert ramp riping......i remmber skating with him heaps at Rivers Edge .........

mosu101 11:39 23/Aug/09

sad indeed!


charly sir 12:36 23/Aug/09

so shit r.i.p

bill fraser 15:16 23/Aug/09

worst news... R.I.P

Hanse Cronje 20:28 23/Aug/09

damn thats sad as, rest in peace

thrashoholic 22:27 23/Aug/09

Good dude, backed hard. What a fucken bummer.

raphabee 11:32 31/Aug/09

Drew, please put this thread in the 'RIP' section?

Dean deserves to be there.

pops 01:13 01/Sep/09


jimstar 12:21 23/Sep/09

Dean Turner, Glen and Dean were there in the beginning, building back in the day out in Lara one of the first private full size vert ramps. Glen was always up ripping the paint tray at Corio. When Torquay was built, endless weekends of skates were on with Troy Harvey, Trav, Jarrod, Monkey Mick and the lads. Then came along Ponds and finally the Searles built Rivers Edge giving the local skaters finally a full facility out of the weather. This was the place where the vert sesh's continued until the dark days.
I will never forget the day Dean got me and Dodsey (R.I.P too brother) doing lien to tails on vert and introducing us groms to more alternative music.
Next skate at home, I wil be slapping the tail for you Dean.
Condolenses Jimmy LoRicco

funtimes 16:45 24/Sep/09

Skated with Dean a few times on whilst on tour, the 1st he came over to the vert ramp straight from backstage 1st thought was 'this is going to be good' and in reality it was!, he could skate the thing much better then me, my hat goes off to you Dean, fireworks in Tazzie mate. R.I.P..

Ray Tsai 12:32 29/Nov/10

RIP Dean...

RE: RIP Dean Turner ( Magic Dirt )

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