Todd Webster RIP

Potty2617 19:39 08/Nov/11

While looking for footage i cam across these prints by Alex Roberts, Yes Jim I will get back to the footage.

RE: Todd Webster RIP

Potty2617 19:40 08/Nov/11

RE: Todd Webster RIP

Lucky Phil
Lucky Phil 16:42 09/Nov/11

pretty much since the day i started skating Todds been on it and he stayed on it and he stayed a best cunt, I look back on my skating life and see the best bits I remember Todd was always there. I cant imagine him not being around, much Love to the Websters and especially my old friend Spud as well as all you CBRMY boys.

Rest In Peace Todd

Minge. 00:34 10/Nov/11

RE: Todd Webster RIP

Minge. 00:36 10/Nov/11

as the tattoo said..............ROLL FOREVER

Minge. 00:38 10/Nov/11
October 11, 2009

Hi Todd, tell me what’s Theeve all about? We’ve seen a few Australian truck companies come and go over the years. What’s different about Theeve? What’s your role at Theeve?

Theeve came about from a family connection with Chris Northwood our managing director. He had great connections in the Titanium industry, so from there he inquired about making trucks, if it was really possible using Ti. Theeve would have to be the first ever truck company ever to use real aerospace Titanium. I’m kind of like the jack of all trades here, I take care of marketing, product development and some creative directing.

How did the name Theeve come about? Does it mean anything?

The Theeve name pretty much came about from looking at what we were doing and thinking we’re stealing a technology from another industry and bringing it to skateboarding, plus if we need team riders etc. we’ll have to steal them from other companies. The off spelling came about to give us a little edge on internet search engines.

What goes into starting a truck company? Was it difficult to design the truck you wanted and then get it manufactured to the quality you were happy with?

It wasn’t hard to find someone to make trucks at the quality the industry expects. The hard thing was designing a truck that turns and performs like a truck should. I came from 20 years riding Indys so turning was important to me as well as making a truck that looks normal.

Aren’t most trucks are made from aluminum, why titanium?

Most trucks are alloy, so are Theeve’s first two models. We add a little extra Titanium in the alloy to make it a little lighter and stronger. One even has a Titanium axle so you don’t get axle bend and save a little on weight. Our 3rd model which is due mid next year is the world’s first one piece forged all Titanium hanger. It has no axle, twice as strong as a regular alloy truck and lighter that the Tensor Magnesium. It has tested really well and will be the thing that really turns the truck world on it’s head.

Who’s on the team? Where can readers send there sponsor-me links?

Everyone will have to wait for the team. All I will say is that we have some big international names coming on board. Should suprise a few people.

Wil Theeve be available worldwide or just in Australia?

Theeve will be available in Australia and the USA in November and about 10 other countries by January 2010.

Whan can we see Theeve in skate shops and how much will they be?

Theeve should be in shops in Australia early November.
Price points are-
Base model CSX, Ti alloy blend, steel axle with Bones bushings $49.95 each.
TiAx model, Ti alloy blend, Titanium axle with Bones bushings $59.95 each.
Titanium hanger model out next year, price to be confirmed.

Is there anthing else you would like to mention about Theeve trucks?

Just stay tuned, website will be up 31 October with team details and all truck specs. If you like the turn of an Indy but hate the weight try Theeve.

krim 07:19 10/Nov/11

Those photos Alex took are awesome! He used to blast that transfer so easy at Gunners.

I spoke to Cam Tovey in the states the other day and he had some really good stories of Todd that I had totally forgot about. He reminded me of how Todd skated with us when we were just little grom kids and in one way or another "vouched" for us with all the older crew. Him giving us the time of day opened up a door to so many other friendships in Canberra and around Australia.

Todd you are a true legend and I will never forget you. Thank you for being my friend.

krim 13:57 12/Nov/11

Found this Video in a box when I was going through some old footage.

Filmed and Edited By Todd circa 98 or 99. Poison Tour to Adelaide.

Krz Ando 21:20 14/Nov/11

wow amazin vids krim ...

i only met todd a cpla times at the skate shop? four wheels? / four wheel circus? when i first went to CBR back in hm summer 2000 i think?

RIP Todd

Dapper Dan 12:02 18/Nov/11

Only knew him for a short time but it was quality for sure. One of the nicest most genuine blokes I've ever met.

R.I.P. Todd

Sincere condolences to Spud and family, and the Belco crew.

BOSS Tone.

earmuffs 19:30 18/Nov/11

I had to come back just to say that the world has lost one hell of an amazing guy.
Todd, having you as a housemate was incredible, from burger Mondays at the Elgin to seeing you come home in a beer induced state with your pants down, you were like the brother that anyone would be lucky to have.

BIG hugs to all the people who have felt the blow of this news and to those who loved him...

Love you Todd

cash,money,vagrant 15:04 21/Nov/11

cheers for all the pics n krim for vids. Todd will be sadly missed by alot of people but i'm pretty damn sure everyones got some good memories, stories, so never forget Todd

krim 12:08 27/Nov/11

rome 19:53 27/Nov/11

That clip was amazing
R.I.P mate

westoncreeper 15:24 28/Nov/11

what an amazing turn out saturday in canberra at todds celebration, it was a happy vibe which is how it should be and what he would of wanted, cheers to all the people who helped put it all together which was a collective of people, (luke brown,joel webb chookie fowler. jim fowley,big dan and the rest). it was fukn great to see all my old mates again. so cheers lads.
steve "smelly" kelly

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