Anthony Davie Interview

Interview: Anthony Davie

(Photos - Adam Savickas & Sean Fenning, Questions - Hughbert, Sporto & Whipped)

Ok lets start this with the stock questions, where are ya from?, how old are you? And who do you ride for?

Im from Corio, Geelong. I ride for folklore, speakys skate shop and Circa shoes and im 14.

Corio, thats a rough place. Whats it like growing up in Corio?

It can be bad every now and then but you get by ok if you stay out of trouble.

Ok well let me ask you this, if you weren't skateboarding and hanging around with role models like us and only hanging out in Corio what do you think you would be doing?

Im not to sure probly doing some think like playing football or doing some think gay like bmx or scooter.

Is that what most of your mates from primary school are up to?

Yer heaps just play football and fuck around so if i wasn't skating i would be doing just that most likly.

When was Corio last in the national news?

haha Like a few weeks ago, This 12 year old girl stole a car and stabbed a bunch of people. So hectic i think she was on some mad drug to do that.

front board - savickas Would you tap that?

Na stay away from them sketchy bitches.

Yeah she sounds rough, so hows early retirement? Tell us about it and how it happend?

Well, i went to school all through primary school but about a term before we finished year six, i decided to do home schooling because i couldn't be bothered with it. I went to year 7 for two terms on like a 45min bus ride every morning, then i decided i couldn't be fucked with it and went back to home schooling.

Your at the park every day, is your mum pretty chill about when class is and shit?

She never used to be but now she doesn't care so much, i only do it every now and again, like when i have to do a test or something. She gets angry at me when i just sit on my arse all day, but shes always down for me skating.

Do you feel like you miss much cos your not at school?

Gets pretty boring end up doing the same shit every day, feel like i miss out on partys and meeting new people especially girls.

Thats ok, i teach ya shit. Any plans of schooling for the future?

Nah not really, just want to keep doing what im doing. Bit of schooling every now and again. Maybe you can teach me the way of hustling gilbert.

What are some of your earliest memories on a skateboard, who got you into it?

Well when i was like 6, my cousin had a board then i got one for chrisy one year and then realised how much fun skating was, they all moved on to other things but i stayed skateing because didn't real doing other sports.

What exactly are you doing?

Skating everyday, go to boxing a few times a week and a little home school on the side.

Tell us about boxing, what made you want to box?

I just wanted to learn in case shit happens so i can look after myself, just in case bad shit happens.

Is there any skaters or anyone that you would love to box?

I'd like to box my dad, good old t-bone haha. I kinda scared him last time we were muking around he ended up falling over after a good 1, 2. I rekon he is a bit soft now he dosent want to spare anymore. Nar but hes a good guy.

Could you See yourself in the OTK?

Whats OTK?

Ozzie Tough Kunts, Its a list of Australias most notoris skate related charecters.

Haha nar i don't reackon wouldn't be tough enough.

back smith - savickas Do you get into UFC at all?

Na I don't like it to much anymore, i think the games are the most id ever get in to that.But i don't really like watching it either.

Mike Tyson, evander holyfield, and George forman. Root one, kill one and marry one?

I don't no, if i had to i would marry evander holyfield because he has heaps of money, kill mike Tyson because hes a bad mother-fucker. And since i have to i would fuck George forman. Haha alright i think i would marry George, because he has been successfully out side boxing and he could be my sugar daddy. I would kill Mike T because he is a bad mother fucker, and the least fuckable. So i guess i have to fuck a 6 f 5 black man with half an ear.

You are one sick little fuck anthony. So tell me about your new years eve that just past?

Me, james (twenty), alex (cowdel) adam (s) and some other people head down to torquay. We walking to the beach and it started pissing down rain, so we decide to chill at a footy club had a while whether to clear up. Then we went to the hill on torquay back beach probable 5000 loose unit on the hill. There was so many cops about so we kept it layed back. Me and to boys were on the hunt for some fine young sprouts.

Oh yeah? How did that pan out for ya little fella?

Yeah pretty good me and alex and Julian, managed to track a few down.

What were your figures like that night?


Did you have some good pick up lines?

Na not really just said g'day happy new years and them bitchs were keen as fuck.

ollie - savickas Props.

whats one of the best park you have ever been to?

Or i don't no it would most likly be varsity in the gold cost, monster good on a rainy day but if its not raining waterloo is heaps of fun for a good few hours. Best miny in the world.

Ive heard a good story about when you were in Sydney last. What happened then?

Once i was feeding this mountain goat some bread and when i had none left it got angry and nearly bit my finger off so i started yelling at it than it got on its back legs and was like 2ft taller than me than the owners came out and went crazy and kicked it up its arse and that goat rain down that hill so fast.

Was it really 2ft taller than you?

Nah it was about 1ft but 2 sounds better.

What do you think of it up there?

Yeah its so good to skate, heeps of sprouts and always amazing weather. One night i was walkin down the main street in kings cross when these dirty hookers started chatting me up and seedy junkys hustlincrack and faggots out the front of the tool shed trying to touch my bum but other than that i like it.

Anything else you wanna say?

I once ollied into some 6ft bowl and this chick got her tits out. It was pretty dope

Thanks for your time little man, who do you want to give props to?

Hugh, Charles, Adam, Mum Dad, Dean123, Jake D, Daniel Chick, Drew and Potty, Alec and Joe from Speakys, Matt from folklore, circa, subway, James 20bongs, Guida, jack henshaw, Jack crook, Cacas, Alex, Chompa, Sakazi, Chris, Jayden, Dale Mc, Decland Sands and Leon Crook, Rhianna Arnolds, Jamie H And anyone else who has helped. Love

props go here........

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