Shane Azar Interview

Interview: Shane Azar

smith - photo: Mapstone

The first time we sort of met, I was sitting next to Fowlie and copped a banana skin to the back the head courtesy of you. Is that how you normally introduce yourself?

Haha shit no.... mate I don't even remember that haha, must have been on the sauce.

Based on the fact you missed Fowlies friekishly large melon head and got me, are you a shit throw? Have you even been called custard arm?

Haha na never been called nothing along those lines. Usually a pretty good shot. Maybe I was aiming for you and not fowley.

So whats in a regular day for you?

Ah ill wake at 8am, get some grub into me then head to work,at volcom. Do what ever needs to be done, bail out for a skate a manly bowl at about 4pm. So that's about it yeah.

So what exactly do you do at volcom?

What don't I do. Haha na theres a lot on here. Always something to be working on. Weather its skate related or marketing related theres always something to do.

Are you still on the volcom team as well as being TM?

Yeah skating is first and foremost. Cant skate all day everyday so there is time to work in between.

So if you are team manager and on the team as well, when will you know is the right time to kick yourself off?

Ah dude iv been here for 12 years... im a lifer. Once the skating slows down, ill just be moving into the marketing side of things more. But iv got a good long time left to shred.

An Australian deck company that will remain nameless, published on their website two team lists, one of the current riders, and another of riders who were kicked off the team and why. I thought this was a great idea, what do you think?

Well it always depends on each individual person I think. Sometimes its best to keep these things private. I haven't seen what you are talking about, so its hard for me to judge.

If you could poach anyone to ride for Volcom, who is it going to be?

Im happy with our team as it is. We have a great variety. But if I had to choose one person, it would be the comedian jimoen. Lorcan said he has been shredding paddo park every arvo in brissy and he keen as. So yeah would be sick to tour with him.

front 180 - photo: Mapstone

How do you keep all those rad cunts on the same team?

I dunno, we have all been through a lot together. Most of us have kinda been growing up together for the past 6 years. Plus woodsy does things for the team on tour that must stay on tour... he knows what im talking about haha

Just give us one example, it's ok, not many people will read this anyway.

Haha na don't think so...he would be pissed!

I interviewed him on here a while back. I asked him if he would get photo incentive for an internet interview. Did you flow him some cash or not?

I cant remember actually, I remember him hitting me up. We are pretty good with paying out so probably.

Volcom seems to spend bazillions on sending the oz team to exotic countries with exotic pole dancers. Where are you guys off to next?

Haha yeah we have been pretty lucky. This year im still unsure. We have some oz trips happeing around late august, but then later in the year I want to do something big, but I need to feel out a few ideas first. Nothing is in stone till your packed and on a flight. Ideas come and go its not till your there that its golden.

5-0 - photo: Mapstone

Does skating a manly bowl make you feel all manly?

Haha yeah it's the perfect place to chill. Pub down the street, beach across the path with lots of ladies. Manly has it all!

Who are your favourite overweight skateboarders?

Ah let me think... andrew Mapstone for sure haha. Jack fardell, massive ass! Tom cuthbertson, have you seen him in a pair of shorts haha.

Who else is still hooking you up these days?

Volcom, Red Bull, XEN, PSC, Electric, FKD, ad iv just joined the team at Volley shoes. Im pretty exited about this new venture with them.

Volley hey? So how does that anal leather upper hold up to daily abuse?

I haven't got to ride the leather yet... but if it goes anything like glen it should hold up pretty bloody well

What do you like about skateboarding in 2008?

The people im skating with. The amount im getting to skate and travel. Its all good right now. im loving it!

In regard to the skating side of things, have you been actively seeking more coverage lately? It just seems you have had a fair bit of stuff run in the last few months. What do you put that down to?

Just skating a lot. Getting out there, doing trips that's all. If you can get on a skate trip, you should do it. Staying home sometimes lets you get lazy. But once your on a trip with a few others you just get hyped!

What is your current OTK ranking? are you happy with it and do you see any movement in the rankings any time soon?

Im number 5, and I dunno I never even think about it. I don't think of myself like that. Im not out there looking for fights. I don't even like fighting, its gnarly. I try steer clear of them.

In previous interviews you have been portayed as a bit of a wildman - "He's loud, tough, and just doesn't give a f-k" - Mapstone. Is there a sensitive, tender, caring side to Shane Azar that is being overlooked by mainstream skateboarding media?

Oh yeah for sure. All the stories of me being wild are when im drunk. When im sober im probably the complete opposite. For instance On Wednesdays I walk the elderly and read them stories... it's a hobby iv had for a while. I suppose its my attempt at giving back to a community I take so much from ahaha

ollie - photo: Mapstone

Do you want to give any closing thankyous, sledges or confessions?

Thanks you to both the mapstones, peanut, mumsy and dad, brad mcdermott, arab, plunket, smyth, fato, volcom team. Nashy, spilsy, boony, wardo, cuzza, glen scott, electric, red bull, XEN, mell bell, psc, bennet.
Sledging to Melbourne storm, manly is going to take it out this year! You guys are shit!

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