George Simmonds Interview

Interview: George Simmonds

Interrogated and Shot by Moey

Hello George, What have you done today and what are you going to do after this interview?

I've woken up. Pissed in a bottle. Watched half an hour of channel [V] eaten a muslie bar and answered a question about what I�ve done today. After this interview I'm making porridge. Pretty crazy.

ha-ha. It was definitely good times staying with you the other week. I noticed you were extra productive and keen for photos? What was your drive?

I guess because the only chance to shoot photos is when you grace our small island with your presence. Also I'd already filmed a few tricks so I knew it wouldn't be too hard to go back and shoot them. But yeah, usually the complete opposite so it was strange.

You redo a lot of your tricks for footage and pics, why is this and why can you be bothered?

Umm, either because I know I can do it better or like I said before maybe because there�s only James (James) around to film. I can only be bothered re doing the tricks that came fairly easily. If it took ages then there�s a good chance I won't bother filming it or shooting it again. Capiesh.

When I left Hobart you had an interview the next day for a carpentry course. How did that go?

Could have gone better, could have gone worse. They make you do a basic math test before the interview. A combination of absolutely hating math and being out of school for ages meant that i kinda kooked it. But the actual interview with the dudes went pretty good. Was pretty much just a standard job interview added with the bonus of being bagged for going for Collingwood

Some cats supporters ay? Am I right in saying that up until now you�ve been unsure as to what career to pursue? Why carpentry?

You'd be right in saying that. I'm mainly doing it because I've lived the skateboarder�s lifestyle since finishing school so I figured it�s time to actually do something with my life. Being a qualified carpenter would be a super handy skill to have and your not stuck behind a desk all day. I'm pretty curious of how things are made and the process in which they�re made so I just applied for this 4 month pre voc tafe course which basically teaches you the basics and helps acquire an apprenticeship.

Maybe you were destined to be a carpenter� Perhaps all this time skating on 7 ply Maple your evident career was right under your feet?

Ha-ha you faggot. Well said though.

I think I nailed that joke� As you would nail a piece of timber to another piece of timber.. Okay enough of my amazing dad jokes. So you�ll be building hand carved coffee tables or entire houses?

Depends what area your into I guess. As far as I know it�s generally a carpenter that builds the houses and stuff where as a cabinet maker does the finer more detailed aspects of the trade such as tables and shit. I'm not entirely sure of these things so the tafe course should be pretty beneficial. But yeah, carved coffee tables sounds pretty fun.

Maybe you can carve yourself an upstairs toilet and stop pissing in mount franklin bottles?

It's not just mount franklin bottles. I don't discriminate. I'm using an iced tea bottle at the moment.

Ha-ha gotta spread the love.

It rained most of the time I was in Hobart. Will you be leaving the island for more serene sands this summer?

Umm, it depends on this tafe course. If I start it then it goes from Feb until May or something so I can kinda kiss that thought goodbye. But if not then yeah I defiantly want to go back to Sydney and just swim at the beaches every day, or Nathan�s (Jackson) pool with his dog in Brissy is equally as good ha-ha. Lets buy a really shitty car and just drive it from Melb to Bris or even further?

Definitely sounds feasible..
I understand you were in a bit of a car accident during your last visit to Sydney?

Ohhh yeah. That suuuuucked. That was the first accident I've been in where I've been driving. I was staying at Josh/Juan/Sparks' place and one arvo we were driving back from the beach in some intense rain when this dude pulled out of an intersection in front of me so I slammed on the brakes but didn't stop in time. Wasn't anything crazy but the thing was that I was packing about 6 or 7 people in my car at the time, ha-ha. So Sammy (Winter) and Seany Hol did the sneakiest little bail known to man and pretty much just pretended to be by-standers while this dipshit guy tried to put the blame on me, saying I sped up into him. I had no idea what to do in the situation so I was pretty stressed. Anyway we followed him back to Josh�s cos that�s where my licence and stuff was and swapped details etc. Then when he was pulling out to drive off he reversed into this woman�s car. Makes you wonder how these faggots get their licences in the first place.


Like that�s the kind of guy I am, just go in for the t-bone straight up.

Ha-ha yes, I believe this. I can vouch that if you were ever in a cliff car race game of chicken you would win out of spite.
A lot of skateboarder�s have some sort of documentation outlet being photography, filming, drawing, writing�etc. What do you think is yours?

Ummm. Digi cam montages? Ha-ha I dunno. I'm no artist but having a pen in hand is defiantly a fun thing to have. Actually on that trip we did up to Sydney last February I kept a day-to-day journal in a little notepad and then uploaded it. I'm actually really psyched I did it because in like 50 years from now somebody or myself will find it and read it and just think, this dude is theeeeee biggest retard, hahaha.

You've been watching too many PG movies Simmo. I bet you were one of those kids that would write some gay letter to put in a bottle then throw it in the ocean for someone in Fiji to read. But yes, that sounds nice. Wouldn�t you be psyched if you found a message in a bottle?

Yeah, if a dolphin didn't already choke on it, ha-ha.

How about some top 5s? - Top 5 most lurked websites:



David Guetta
Flo Rida
T Pain
Jessie J

Top 5 non-pornographic material for self pleasure:

Juicy Elbows montages on youtube
The Skateboarder�s Journal
sitcom - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Jersey Shore, defiantly
The Grizzly Man doco

Top 5 Ways to spend the weekend:

Skate maybe
Go fishing the the boys
Kick the footy/watch the footy
Go to my shack
Piss in bottles

Top 5 Places to take a tourist in Hobart:

Mt. Wellingham (Wellington)
The Fountain
Hobart docks
E.C. (you'll end up there wether you like it or not)
The Casino for hot choccy

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