John Fitzgerald Interview

John Fitzgerald Interview

by Peters

FS Wallride - Peters

You first kinda came up through the 1 in a million competition run by Slap, how was that experience? Was there a lot of competitive garbage between everyone? Or did you all get along?

It was sick. I got to go skate sf meet a bunch of rad dudes and just skate. I can pretty much say most of us got along, but there where a couple of rough patches.

Do you still keep in contact with any of the dudes from there?

Somewhat yah, I'll talk to some of the dudes from time to time. I see Forrest at chino skatepark all the time, he's killin it.

Who was your favourite skateboarder out of all the dudes in your round? Anyone that has gotten forgotten about or left behind?

Matty Hunt was my favorite, and for the most part I'm pretty sure there gettin taken care of so that's sick.

BS Ollie - Peters

Did you always want to ride for Zero? Was that like a dream come true to get to pick who to skate for and now to be introduced properly onto the team?

I remember as a kid seeing that American zero board and wanting it so bad. I'm stoked to be apart of such a well respected company. Misled youth is one of my favorite skate vids and to see I'm apart of that now is awesome.

How is your part coming along for Cold War?

It's good I'm just skating. I stoked to see how it turns out.

Who do you look forward to seeing a part from on your team?

Keagan and Rattray's part. I also know Tommy is gonna have a gnarly part.

When is that video supposed to come out? Are you stressing to get particular tricks at spots, or just skate whatever comes up on trips etc?

I'm not too sure the exact date, but no I'm not stressing. I have stuff I want to get, I enjoy goin out and getting stuff. There is one spot I've been dreading though.

How is it traveling with the rest of the team? Do you guys go on a lot of filming trips right now with the whole team?

Its fun, yah there have been a couple trips recently. I just like to get out of town and skate new stuff.

Have you had to spend much/ any time with Dane Burman?

Dane is sick! I've been on a couple trips with him.

Boardy - Peters

What seems to be the opinion of that dude from the rest of the team?

It�s no secret that he can rub people up the wrong way and get pretty darn cheeky�. Haha I guess people can take it the wrong way, but I think it's pretty funny. He's really up front with people.

You guys have a bit in common though as you�re both sober. Are you super against drinking like him or you just prefer not to do it yourself?

Not against it in any way really. Only if its become a problem with a friend, then i'll step in. You do what you want, and I'll live how I want.

I�ve shot a few photos with you now, but I;ve rarely seen you flip your board or ledge dance, are you trying to keep your part simple and just powerful, or are you gonna get tech in there at all?

I don't like how super tech tricks feel really. Its not natural for me. I want to have a couple flip tricks in my part but nothing tech really.

What is Pawn Shop?

The Pawnshop is my good friends skate shop in Covina California. It's all a close group of friends and there's no gimmicks, it's pure skateboarding. I'm stoked and thankful to be apart of it.

Have you ever been out to Australia?

No I would love to go though! Hopefully soon.

Ollie - Peters

Who is your favourite skateboarder from Australia?

Dustin Dollin

Who�s skating are you backing right now?

Donovon Piscopo, I've grew up skating with him and to watch him skate today blows me away. I also really dig on Vincent Alvarez, Grant Taylor, Raven Tershay, and Jake Johnson's skating.

All time favourite skateboarder?

Cardiel, kirchart, gonz, Brian Anderson

What do you think is the most important thing that you hope skateboarding holds onto in the future?

I hope it holds onto the rawness and older style of skateboarding.

What music are you into? What is your favourite jam to play before going skating?

Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Neil Young, Pink Floyd, the Beatles, Velvet Underground, Devo, misfits, I can go on and on. It depends, I get stoked on all those artists I listed.

Cheers cunt!

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John Fitzgerald Interview

John Fitzgerald Interview

John Fitzgerald Interview

by Peters

FS Wallride - Peters

You first kinda came up through the 1 in a million competition run by Slap, how was that experience? Was there a lot of competitive garbage between everyone? Or did you all get along?

It was sick. I got to go skate sf meet a bunch of rad dudes and just skate. I can pretty much say most of us got along, but there where a couple of rough patches.

Do you still keep in contact with any of the dudes from there?

Somewhat yah, I'll talk to some of the dudes from time to time. I see Forrest at chino skatepark all the time, he's killin it.

Who was your favourite skateboarder out of all the dudes in your round? Anyone that has gotten forgotten about or left behind?

Matty Hunt was my favorite, and for the most part I'm pretty sure there gettin taken care of so that's sick.

BS Ollie - Peters

Did you always want to ride for Zero? Was that like a dream come true to get to pick who to skate for and now to be introduced properly onto the team?

I remember as a kid seeing that American zero board and wanting it so bad. I'm stoked to be apart of such a well respected company. Misled youth is one of my favorite skate vids and to see I'm apart of that now is awesome.

How is your part coming along for Cold War?

It's good I'm just skating. I stoked to see how it turns out.

Who do you look forward to seeing a part from on your team?

Keagan and Rattray's part. I also know Tommy is gonna have a gnarly part.

When is that video supposed to come out? Are you stressing to get particular tricks at spots, or just skate whatever comes up on trips etc?

I'm not too sure the exact date, but no I'm not stressing. I have stuff I want to get, I enjoy goin out and getting stuff. There is one spot I've been dreading though.

How is it traveling with the rest of the team? Do you guys go on a lot of filming trips right now with the whole team?

Its fun, yah there have been a couple trips recently. I just like to get out of town and skate new stuff.

Have you had to spend much/ any time with Dane Burman?

Dane is sick! I've been on a couple trips with him.

Boardy - Peters

What seems to be the opinion of that dude from the rest of the team?

It�s no secret that he can rub people up the wrong way and get pretty darn cheeky�. Haha I guess people can take it the wrong way, but I think it's pretty funny. He's really up front with people.

You guys have a bit in common though as you�re both sober. Are you super against drinking like him or you just prefer not to do it yourself?

Not against it in any way really. Only if its become a problem with a friend, then i'll step in. You do what you want, and I'll live how I want.

I�ve shot a few photos with you now, but I;ve rarely seen you flip your board or ledge dance, are you trying to keep your part simple and just powerful, or are you gonna get tech in there at all?

I don't like how super tech tricks feel really. Its not natural for me. I want to have a couple flip tricks in my part but nothing tech really.

What is Pawn Shop?

The Pawnshop is my good friends skate shop in Covina California. It's all a close group of friends and there's no gimmicks, it's pure skateboarding. I'm stoked and thankful to be apart of it.

Have you ever been out to Australia?

No I would love to go though! Hopefully soon.

Ollie - Peters

Who is your favourite skateboarder from Australia?

Dustin Dollin

Who�s skating are you backing right now?

Donovon Piscopo, I've grew up skating with him and to watch him skate today blows me away. I also really dig on Vincent Alvarez, Grant Taylor, Raven Tershay, and Jake Johnson's skating.

All time favourite skateboarder?

Cardiel, kirchart, gonz, Brian Anderson

What do you think is the most important thing that you hope skateboarding holds onto in the future?

I hope it holds onto the rawness and older style of skateboarding.

What music are you into? What is your favourite jam to play before going skating?

Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Neil Young, Pink Floyd, the Beatles, Velvet Underground, Devo, misfits, I can go on and on. It depends, I get stoked on all those artists I listed.

Cheers cunt!

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