Mike Mo Interview

Nosegrind - Vagabond

Interview: Mike Morris

(Photos/Qs Vagabond)

FS Taco Filler - Vagabond
So Mike, where you from and how'd you end up here in the Berra?

I'm from Oakville in Ontario, Canada and I met this dude Tom who was from Canberra. We skated a bunch and he was like if you want to come back you've got a place to stay. So I took him up on that. A bunch of us came over.

So you don't speak the language of love, ze French?

Ha ha no I wouldn't survive in France. Montreal which is a French speaking part of Canada is further over to the east than where I'm from. The only reason I'd be able to get by is cos some of those dudes speak English a lot.

So how does the skateboarding here compare to back home in the land of the moose?

Well having the year round opportunity to skate over here is one of the biggest differences. I'm not relying so heavily on seasons and weather. It snows heavily in my hometown, in the wintertime, so I do the indoor park thing a lot. When I was younger before we had any money for cars and whatnot, we used to put all our skate shoes in a bag, then we'd carry the boards and hike in our snow shoes, carrying a flat bar just to find a dry space not even necessarily sheltered from the wind. That's how we did it just to get a skate in.

BS Flip - Vagabond

I hear your Canadian accent has managed to prank a few people, you got some stories, c'mon, cough up.

Oh man, ha ha ha. That depends. As far as my Canadian one goes, that's my normal voice like how I'm speaking now, I was kinda put up to pranking Fardell, and he wasn't happy about that. He thought I was an Aussie that was putting on a Canadian accent, and he told me how shitty my fake Canadian accent was and that I'd done a fairly good job of not slipping up and tossing in the Aussie twang. I've got Mat Casey with the New Yorker impression, some of Darcy's mates too.

You used to be hooked by Red Bull a bit, I can't even drink it anymore cos the Vodka made me abuse it.

I knew this dude who was the rep for it and he was hooking me a bunch of it. Don't get me wrong it was good, but when you've got 40 cans staring at you each time you open the fridge you get a little intimidated. So I shared the wealth a bit, you know, gave it out just to try and stop myself getting a heart attack. I think perhaps I was close to getting addicted, I'd have red bull for breakfast, it makes your heart go funny. There was something to do with a mini fridge that was meant to show at my house that I was really excited about, but it never happened. So Andrew if you're out there� ha ha. No seriously, I prefer a coffee these days. But I'd still like the mini fridge!

BS 180 - Vagabond
So given that your name is Mike Mo and that's what it says on your stalkbook, do kids ever happen to accidentally fan out on you?

Yeah big time. It actually started with MySpace, I shoulda installed one of those counters you know. I got heaps of hits� "dude, saw the Lakai part, you're so awesome, love your switch flips ya de ya dah." I can't switch flip that great and nor am I from California. I'm too nice, I let people down easy and I'm just like no I'm not really him. I really should have taken the initiative and messed with people more.

Your full page picture in SLAM's 'Exposure' section frontboarding the Canberra College rail... how'd it go down?

I had been to the rail a few times just to check it out and I called you cos you're always keen. And when I got there my name was written on the rail spelt the same way, not Mike Mo, it was my full name Michael Morris. It was beyond me, it was so weird that someone had the same name as me and thought the rail was glorious. So I had to hit it.

FS Bluntslide - Vagabond

Your iPod was cranking and the dude was screaming his head off at you!

I'm pretty particular about my iPod, so if I have a chosen song it's on repeat and I remember I was listening to a mix made by DJ Green Lantern featuring Kardinal Offishall and 50 cent, so I was feelin a bit scarface about it all. And I had it bangin and I did it before I even actually knew that dude was screaming at me to get down. I was told about all the nasty stuff he was saying, but I hadn't even heard him.

Did you hit rails back at home too, cos that was a fair size. How do spots here compare, like Melbs too cos I know you went there.

Yeah, they're mostly rougher and worse at home I guess. Melbourne was awesome. Canberra has fewer spots, but I don't really have any I hate. And you don't get bothered here. At home it's a bit of a bust, and in downtown Toronto it's just stupid. You really only have three tries max. Canberra you don't get hassled and there seems to be more creative spots, lots of home made stuff you can go to and there's definitely a good variety.

So did you have hook ups back home, what's doin now?

I used you to have some Vans flow back home and Flatspot skateshop used to help me out. When I first came over I was just being a rat living off Todd (Baker), riding his old boards, and his old shoes. But now that things are coming together, Big Jim at Shifty's is helping me out with the team discount which is awesome.

What's your take on Darcy? Did you guys meet when he visited Canada last year?

No we didn't meet in Canada, I met him here. I think I've told him this, sorry if I haven't, but I thought he was just the park hero dude. You know, knew all the lines and I wasn't too keen on him and then through some turn of events he just came and hung out with all the Canadians at the house. A few beers later we're all punching each other up the side of the head and now he's one of my best holmies out here for sure.

SW Big Heel - Vagabond

So who do you like to session with?

I just stick with the legit crew as I like to call them, you know Dean (Parsons), Todd, Darcy. Go filming with Jev and youself. But there have been a few hectic other cats that I've had fun skating with, as far as everyone goes in Canberra everyone's chilled and always down.

Tell me your favourite Aussie accent sayings and what have you been practicing lately?

Dude I practice everyday! I get up half an hour early and just spend it in front of the mirror practicing the accent and slang. Ha ha ha. I'm always down for the 'Fuknoath.' I notice every time you pick up the phone it's the 'G'day mate how ya goin.' That's definitely one of my favourites cos you don't even have to respond coherently. You just make a sound and it's ok. That and 'Fair Dinkum' are definitely what I'm liking right now.

Fair Dinkum. Do you Canadian's know anything about cricket? Cos I noticed you've somewhat taken a shine to it.

I hate to speak for everybody, but if you're talking about skateboarders we have no idea. And I still have no clue really what happens. Some dude runs really fast and throws a ball and some dude tries to whack it with the flat stick. Everybody jumps up and down and screams and it goes on for like four days. I've never heard of any games going so long. But I really like the baggy green cap, if anyone has one send it my way. Especially if it's signed by "insert name here."

FS Bluntslide - Vagabond
What's the plan for the next little while, hanging around?

Well I'm a bit injured right now so I'll be doing some healing up. But ideally I'd like to do some road trips, like to the Pothole, and just see what Australia's got on offer. I'm keen to just keep shooting photos and building some footage. I'm keen on my art too, I like to draw and paint. Put work to canvas. I wish I could say that I'm like Gonz and that my entire art style is derived from the sounds of skateboarding. But ah, that's not really true. In Canberra there's some really good writers, it's really inspiring. It makes me want to keep pushing the boundaries and stepping it up.

Cool, thanks. Lets wind it up.

I'll keep it short, not like the Grammies. Friends and family back home, thanks for taking care of me. And friends and family in my second home, thanks too. Definitely Jim at Shiftys and all the boys, Weston Creeps. And my darling, Olivia.

apply props...

FS Pick - Vagabond

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