Melton Skatepark
streetscape, fun boxes, grind rails, quater pipes, large steel half pipe
82 Reserve Rd, Melton VIC 3337, Australia
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this park has be renovated it now has a half bowl at the end and most of the pices have destroyed or are not there anymore dosent deserve 4 stars
this should have 1 star its a fukin hole dont go
This park is a bit wanky, coming from the melton area i think they deserve better built sk8parks. Its pretty dangerous; i wouldnt advise it 4 beginners. mostly 4 bmx's and bladers now that its been renovated with a new half bowl. The site needs 2 update the pics on this pg. LOL
This place is no good for beginner-intermediate skaters. Or for girl skaters. I suggest Bacchus MArsh if you are in this area and want to skate. This place isn't maintained often enough and is more for other wheels.
i think skaters suck
they have taken over 5 years to build this park to a new one, they done fuck all
na you skaters are all right why dont you skate the park we got now if you dont like it get some concret and billd. other towns have done it and so will we us riders are going to do it over and out
come down and start billding
Hey theres a new park in west melton across from wedge park primary school, its a street skatey with boxes n ledges n stuff like that
hey if u go to wedge park primary u might remember me im shae-lee murphy- burke if u do plz reply
im like fabi's best friend besides lillie
i remember all of u guys well and girls like these were ma friends tell me if you remember me k cory fabi dylan well heaps more but cant me fuked typing lol
and if u dont remember me u might remember ma bro ryan murphy
some one plz rite back
hello ok im talking to ma self cos no one is online ok lalala lol :o
no go zone
mongo who are u?
i went to there a few months back and didnt even get a chance to skate cos there was so many bikers riding the new half bowl. pretty gh3y.
i got stabbed three times on the way to the park
hayd : i got stabbed three times on the way to the park hahahahahah this park used to be okay...fair bit of glass and scummers. now it sucks more with street coarse gone
nobody go there its a peice of shit if u wanna check out a fun park go 2 melton west sk8park across from crc melton
Go to the West Melton skatepark. Heaps better
have a listin 2 all u bitchs bitch and haha hayd u poof got stabbeb 3 times hahahahahahaha suck cock
hahah skaters suck go bmx
Hey A-D-A-M were not the bitches u r. ur mum was the one that told me that ur a little bitch in bed. The dude that got stabbed doesnt suck cock because it takes one to know one. and bmx is soooooo shit. i know because i use to be a bike rider. and compared to skating it's shit. if u hate skating so much then y r u on a skating website? now fuck off ya tick tack cock! and sk8R gUrL! :P, stop sluting around
hay i live in melton west and there is one also just off bullmans rd
and the shop across from kmart is plunj
yeah no shit wat u want a medal coz u live in melton? go die u fat cunt
this skate park has changed there is a concert bowl and there is a new skate park in melton west
hey A-D-A-M if u dont like skaters y r u on wanka
i live in melton and the park it good it ya a vurt dats about it the west it good it got a bank a copel of leages and yer and there's a ok on it melton south it got vert sk8ers. p.s by the way the sk8 park in the pics is ment to get damolished and there a better one getting built well dat wat one of the guys at plung told me
this park is being renovated at the moment it should be finished within 3weeks to 6 months it is going to be an awsum park
and its not plung its plunj get it right newb
Looks Alright.
this has had approx. $250,000 spent on it it is completelty diff i is sik now.....5/5 stars
its been renevated, it now has a half bowl, spine, volcano, fun box, mini ramp, wallride, fun box, hubbas, euro gap, and a little street section, and there alll mad out of concrete.
this park is tons better its mine and tobys and brandons local park , ive got pics of the new renovated park on my myspace i could probs upload them tho here but i cbf atm so if u wanna c pics of it go to and go to my photos then go to skateboarding and there shud b some photos p.s there in black and white :P
this park is wicked mmm..
whooooooo goin there tomorrow after skool hell yerr looks good as
heyy i live in melton i ride bmx and there is skaters there too but more bmx the park is mad the pics are soo old it is not funny they need to update dis site with new pics. the park is all concrete now and it is the best park outt ( skaters are gayyy)
the only thing still remaining of these photos now is the halfpipe. its an all concrete park with a mini ramp and a little street section. it also has a run up with rails, ledges, etc. very fun park.
its better now that it is renovated
best park now that it has lights
yeh sik now it has lights. i needa update the picz