Port Kennedy Skatepark
Concrete park (thanks to Steve for the photo)
8-12 Endeavour Dr, Port Kennedy WA 6172, Australia
Skateparks Nearby
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this park is not so great the box is to small and to steep there is no run up for the stairs but there is a good halfpipe nothing special nothing to go out of your way for
dont ever go there
crapy park not even worth lookin at
this park is sooo yuk everthink about it is shit i h8 this park and allways will
its okat i guees
this skate park is shit even the dirt jumps next to it are bigger P.S Beau is a woodpusher he is gay cuz he goes there but he a good bloke
biggest peice of shit
this park is really horrible, I hate driving past it... wish they built something decent there
The kids that hang there need hanging too. Smart ass little shits dont even skate, just smashing glass and swearing there heads off.
this is my local skate park and it is full of scooter fags ,wood pushers and dodgy parents who let their 5 year olds get ran over.
Shitter park don't waste your time <br>