Subiaco Mini Ramp
Small fun steel mini ramp. Built by Convic Skate Parks.
Haydn Bunton Dr, Subiaco WA 6008, Australia
Builder - Convic Skateparks [+]
Designer - Convic Skateparks [+]
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Rollerbladers, I ask you....whats with waxing the entire transition?
why do hey wax why i loved that park but now its boring owell
Damn roller bladers derserve to get shot
yeh fkn hell, i got hell made piss on it, tryed bak tail revert, and sliped and fkn split my chin open, iv never skated it since
I know Danny Way's relatives. This is NOT a joke. I know Danny Way's relatives. His second cousin goes to ISKL in Malaysia. I'm gonna get his autograph soon. Then i'm gonna scan it into the computer. Anyone interested in getting a original scanned copy contact me at It's $20 bucks a piece. It ain't cheap as it's hard to get man. ~peace out~ JP
yuls u ever get that autograph
it looks ok
An "original scanned" copy???
i went here once wif sum mad skater.dis park is MAD!!!!!
"foreveryoungforeverfree : Damn roller bladers derserve to get shot" What the hell sort of comment is this? All Rollerbladers? Jesus... So I supose you want to Kill all the posties becuase one guy deliverd your mail to the wrong house. Your an Idiot. Dont blame your uselessness on others. Become better. learn a different way. The situation isn't always perfect. regardless of who has used the park before. Or better yet Take up a sport with rules and complain to someone who cares.
Odd... I disagree with your comments. Well some of them. First FEYFEF -(foreveryoungforeverfree- i shall use abreviation).. didn't actually say "all" it may have been implied but he didn't actually say it. Second FeyFef may actaully have been quite good, there is no mention of skill. so this statement "Dont blame your uselessness on others" is Redundent. You shouldn't asume that because someone vents frustration at others it's a reflection of inner turmoil. Aside from the afore mentioned. it seems fine.
timmaaaaaaa told me he put viagra in his mums drink and then licked her out. and he told me not to tell anyone. spread the word about the faggot, its true!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this place is fun and MARK ANDREWS IS GAY
Looks fun.. add me 4 msn
sweet mini best in perth if u dont agree fuk u
also make sure to bring wax 4 da coping cause it can get quite sticky
This is an excellent mini though it does get pretty fucking hot in summer being a steel beastie. you could fry a decent steak on this fucker. the only problem with this ramp is that it doesnt get skated enough; most times when i head down there theres noone skating it. its sortof become a monument to council's good intentions or something. someone in a previous post said it was boring- its only as boring as your imagination dude. this ramp is really well built- but some of the coping has taken an absolute battering from bike pegs- the first post is right; watch out for the wax the blader fuckers put all over this thing- it melts in the hot sun and runs down the trannies.
lookz alright
its joy fun to go have a good skate there under lights
is this still here?
i got the train here and walked around for ages with my map trying to find it! then i realised it was the cement slab i had been circling for half and hour haha the halfpipe is gone.
wheres the mini ramp gone, went round there last week and just a concrete pad??