New Skate Shop

imgne 14:23 30/Jul/08

i thought choder was just being a smart ass in saying drew should of posted this in the ads forum but that wouldn't be a bad name but wat about..."og ads forum" ... hmmm no

SLAYTANIC 14:26 30/Jul/08

call it
Congrats though guys,all the best,if I am ever down that way,I will be sure to pop in

sk 15:36 30/Jul/08

excellent news. all the best with it.

justchillin 15:47 30/Jul/08

drew if you call the shop gnarmart i will be expecting a royalty check at the end of each month for the use of the name.

i will settle for packages of sweet product.

drew 15:52 30/Jul/08

no way justchillin my daughters Soda and Seven already had thought up gnarmart and said I coudl use it

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 15:54 30/Jul/08

So're Soda's Pop?
Fizzy bastard!

justchillin 15:55 30/Jul/08

dude in the skateshop name thread you said you were stealling it off me.


justchillin 15:58 30/Jul/08

man did you seriously call your girls soda and seven thats awesome my little girls name is lorelei and when i have a boy im calling him hensley.

drew 15:58 30/Jul/08

that can be deleted... haha

dont worry, i was just making an obscure seinfeld reference

drew 15:59 30/Jul/08

from memory Seven was a name that someone stole of George so he was gonna call a kid Soda, or something

I have one daughter her name is Ella

Fletch 16:00 30/Jul/08

So whats it called and where is it???

Kunt 16:21 30/Jul/08

call it downstairs from moot

retla oge 17:04 30/Jul/08

Ridin' wood.

sk 17:06 30/Jul/08

skateboard sliders?

Blame less
Blame less 17:09 30/Jul/08

Good luck to you both, we need more skater owned shops.

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