PSC downsize?

B. 11:39 12/Sep/08

i think theyll shut down hornsby and/or parramatta

justchillin 11:49 12/Sep/08

hey darkside whats the go with the new shop out a burleigh near tree tops? ive driven past a few times but its never been open.

darkside 11:57 12/Sep/08

hey justchillin, thurs-sun 10am til 5pm

Albert. 12:15 12/Sep/08


17:04 11/Sep
Sadly, i think its a combination of factors. The cost of running a business in Australia is very expensive, with rent, staff, promotion of your business etc leaving very little left, compared to the online stores which need none of these things.

An online shop will do no business if it doesn't do promotion, it needs staff to to run it, and the rent is like operating a server. Get your facts right dude and take it to the ads forum.

justchillin 12:21 12/Sep/08

no worries i will pop in on the weekend.

darkside 12:56 12/Sep/08

Hey Albert, Sorry to have upset you.

Everything you say is true, except that the costings of each greatly diminishes in comparison to a shop in a busy, high rent area, which is where PSC are generally situated. Online you can work by yourself out of your home, with a low cost server, without employing people.

Some of the cheapest turnkey sites available give automatic promotion, even an ebay store will work, giving you good traffic. These would both cost you about 10% of your items sale price. Even outsourcing every part of the process, including listing, promotion and maintenance will still leave you with about 80% of your turnover.

My point which I stand by is that in Australia to have a retail shop your costs are very high if you want to trade in a good retail area, as opposed to other ways of selling skateboards.

The only reason that I gave the shop hours to the new shop was because justchillin asked, I dont see why it needs to be in the ads forum.

Albert,I hope this has cleared up what I was trying to say.

The Other Leigh
The Other Leigh 13:04 12/Sep/08


Fletch 13:07 12/Sep/08

Was an interesting article in Concrete Wave about the changes in skate sales. The biggest sales increases have been in longboards, Dowhill and slalom equipment. It makes sense that Billabong buys S9 and captures part of this section of skateboarding. The product developement in this market is incredible, trucks wheels, deck materials.

Skateboarding is developing beyond popsicles, little wheels and trucks that don't turn

Lazlo_Panaflex 13:30 12/Sep/08

I was in Surfers on the weekend and saw plenty of "skaters".

They were wearing board shorts and carrying/riding long boards with big gooey wheels.

starch 14:22 12/Sep/08

11:39 12/Sep
i think theyll shut down hornsby and/or parramatta

or blacktown

drew 14:26 12/Sep/08

Darkside, If online sales are a big impact on retailers, I'd assume you are talking U.S. based traders. I make the assumption right or wrong that this site might be one of the main oz based sellers, and we sell fuck all really. Not even enough to pay 1 person 1/4 of the minimum wage. Maybe with the dollar going down it may be less attractive to get stuff direct from the U.S.

Leland Palmer 14:26 12/Sep/08

Skate shops are generally crap places and PSC is one of them...especially the Melbourne store.

I’m sick of the ‘oh-so-fresh’ attitudes of staff in a skate shops. It’s farkin sickening. For farks sake, you carnts work in a shop…you are shop assistants you dumb farks!!

I hate it when you walk into a shop and you’re ready to buy but the shop dudes are too busy to serve cos they’re watching skate videos with the local shop groupies. It sh!ts me.

And another thing skate shop workers, yeah I’m talking to you SHOP ASSISTANTS… Blokes who have to wear shirts and ties to work skate as well, so don’t treat em like clueless carnts that have no idea about skating…most shirt and tie dudes earn more cash than you and they pay for your farkin wage so don’t patronise them with your Cooler-Than-Fark bullshit. PSC Melbourne is a prime example of this.

Fark going into skate shops to buy gear. I buy online now so I don’t have to put up with

Leland Palmer 14:27 12/Sep/08


tangent 14:36 12/Sep/08

Yeah, totally Leland... its good to have a shop that has a good atmosphere for skaters, but its got to be for all skaters.. you can't exclude others or anything. when you go into a place and get vibed out its horrible.. i mean i used to work at PSC in the city and even working there i was constantly vibed and shit... it was so crap.. thats why i make a point now not to let any of that stuff go down... doesn't matter if a customer skates every day or if they're in a skate shop for the first time the people that work there get paid to help out a customer... and create a good atmosphere for everyone...anyway... fallen premiere tonight. woo hooo

Albert. 15:04 12/Sep/08

the places that actually get online sales, like spend a fair bit to make it happen. If you just open some ebay shit you got yourself alot of competition.

Basically, open a web shop and watch yourself fail badly.

The only other sites apart from (which is pretty much the only internet only web shop that does legitimate sales (no offence drew) ) that do any sort of real trade online have an actual store behind them eg socal skateshop, skates on haight, etc

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