
Hams 19:34 13/Sep/08

a sport, art, hobbie ??
what do you reckon ??
what is skateboard and what is it to you?

ed-g 19:43 13/Sep/08

As Jason Dill put it, its a lifestyle. We live and breath skateboarding, it influnces the way we dress and to a further extent the music we listen to. Not a sport in my books

imgne 20:07 13/Sep/08


insurance 20:22 13/Sep/08

skateboarding is a bad idea, you'll break your neck!

JackM 20:36 13/Sep/08

what whatting?

Blastoise 21:07 13/Sep/08

What did you do on the weekend?

I went skateboarding.

that's a bit boring

dogact 21:17 13/Sep/08

how about?^^^

what did you do on the weekend?

i lived my life the way i love


KRINK 21:27 13/Sep/08

its a way of life

Blastoise 21:30 13/Sep/08

yeah thats a bit better im going to say that next time

MUPH 22:53 13/Sep/08

This thread is DEEP. oh so DEEEP. but i like it

Tess Deckles 23:10 13/Sep/08

dogact's a fag.
Skateboarding is sport or a hobbie.

lakynn 23:42 13/Sep/08

i would agree with lifestyle, once your a skater you see the world in a whole different perspective, i look at a set of stairs i dont see plain old steps i see fun, possibly pain, i think about tricks that could be tried/done, same thing goe's with a hand rail, im sure you guys agree

Hams 00:03 14/Sep/08

yeah def's agree ^^^
i was arguing with my dad, he was saying its a sport
i was saying it wasn't
there's no "world skateboarding committee"
skateboarding has style
skateboarding has no rules
its really unlike anything.

SkimTheFat 11:23 14/Sep/08

yeah it pretty much kicks fucking ass
no way a sport
sports are boring and stupid, too...

skittless 12:37 14/Sep/08

hobbie for sure

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