But you cant spend all your time at Vic. If you don't know by now this is the forums very own Evans. Evan's is the mastermind behind the upcoming Adelaide vid "Streets Made Us" and probably one of the best dudes I know. He's super mellow but hella motivated. Streets is gonna kick ass too!
This is Dale McDermott, younger brother of Brad McDermott. Dale is tired of living in the shadow of his older, bigger rail grinding, hotter chick pulling brother so Dale has been going hard for streets. The only problem is he keeps breaking his wrist wanking. Warm up ollie first spot back after surgery on his preferred arm.
More missions, pretty sure here everyone is discussing the quality of lewy's chicken pack.
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Knobby's blog
Knobby 15:01 21/Apr/14
But you cant spend all your time at Vic. If you don't know by now this is the forums very own Evans. Evan's is the mastermind behind the upcoming Adelaide vid "Streets Made Us" and probably one of the best dudes I know. He's super mellow but hella motivated. Streets is gonna kick ass too!
Knobby 15:12 21/Apr/14
This is Dale McDermott, younger brother of Brad McDermott. Dale is tired of living in the shadow of his older, bigger rail grinding, hotter chick pulling brother so Dale has been going hard for streets. The only problem is he keeps breaking his wrist wanking. Warm up ollie first spot back after surgery on his preferred arm.
Knobby 15:15 21/Apr/14
More missions, pretty sure here everyone is discussing the quality of lewy's chicken pack.
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