Fawkner stage 2. Parkour?

Insomniajosh 09:33 21/Jun/13

Sorting out an unofficial opening session

Adam S
Adam S 12:17 25/Jun/13

fuck yeah fawkner, western suburbs is good for kebabs too

rickksc 20:20 25/Jun/13

Western suburbs is the best for kebabs, well they're a hell of a lot better than the south east!
Park looks wicked too!

atheosx 21:03 25/Jun/13

soooo.... there wont be parkour?

Insomniajosh 09:54 01/Jul/13

Atheosx I am still in therapy from the phone call from the council bloke "So yeah we asked some kids down at the shops and they thought a Parkour space would be much better. We are going ahead with some soft rubber areas......"

I was quite enraged. After several attempts to meet up and discuss and with working out participation figures ect council were just not intrested.

Thankfully Alli came back from maternity leave and rescued the project. Wade from Enlocus met up with locals and together everyone came up with this design. With the budget and space I reckon it's a great outcome. I'll walk you through it as best I can.

This is the view looking back towards the park from the dwarf door

RE: Fawkner stage 2. Parkour?

Insomniajosh 09:56 01/Jul/13

The dwarf door

RE: Fawkner stage 2. Parkour?

Insomniajosh 09:58 01/Jul/13

This will have a manny pad style volcano next to it. It will be fun to hit this before and after the door and you should be able to get plenty of speed out of it

RE: Fawkner stage 2. Parkour?

Insomniajosh 10:02 01/Jul/13

The flat bank ends get steeper for fully sick tailslide bigspin outs. There is a little ledge/manny pad in the middle like the famous California drains. The manny pad follows the same angle parallel to the bank and you still have room around the top of it

RE: Fawkner stage 2. Parkour?

Insomniajosh 10:04 01/Jul/13

Kicker to kicker with a gap in the middle and hubbas. The angles look spot on. There will be a slappy pole on one side of the pump hump. Lines from kicker to bump and vice versa for days

RE: Fawkner Stage 2

Insomniajosh 10:05 01/Jul/13


RE: Fawkner stage 2. Parkour?

Insomniajosh 10:06 01/Jul/13

The kickers follow the line of the hubbas and the hole is the gap. Crew will destroy this

RE: Fawkner stage 2. Parkour?

Insomniajosh 10:10 01/Jul/13

This is how it meets up to the old park. With the old bit you would get stuck in this little dead zone and now it looks like a really fun bit. the ending/beginning in a 90' hip makes for good lines. There will be a sub rail on the plaform for cunce with skillz

RE: Fawkner stage 2. Parkour?

Insomniajosh 10:13 01/Jul/13

This is how it meets up to the old park on the other side.

RE: Fawkner stage 2. Parkour?

drew 13:06 01/Jul/13

so sick Josh...

getrad 17:19 01/Jul/13

man, looks so fun. fuckkkk

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