first clip

bonezy 12:53 29/Dec/05

this is our day at box hill when it was 30 dgres so try and enjoi feedback/suggestions welcome

mosu101 17:39 29/Dec/05

biggest ups on music choice "Saints rock" good skating (magic pop on that dude) great editting. Now all you need to do is incorperate some tranny skating and you have got some gear to worry getrad/pig

bonezy 17:44 29/Dec/05

sweet, well ill try to get some tranny triks down

SaintS 18:56 29/Dec/05

who know what songs in the vid on the front page

bonezy 10:44 30/Dec/05

cant tell, what is it?

skate for life 12:22 30/Dec/05

yea i realy liked that

matty leigh 12:38 30/Dec/05

sic edit glen. for my bigspin heel, what would've looked good would be normal speed to slowmo tthe trick to normal speed, but the edit was still good well done. i hardflipped vermont 8 yesterday, pics should be up soon and i'll show u the footy when i see u next. can u gimme ur snowpics log on so i can use it aswell, put my sponno vid on

bonezy 12:48 30/Dec/05

wat did u go wen it was 34 deg and hoo did u go with?

matty leigh 12:55 30/Dec/05

i went with matt, james, jack, chopper, michael, i know them through ricky. vermont 8's undercover, barely felt the heat. Matt broke his arm on a nollie shuv

bonezy 12:58 30/Dec/05

and the slow mo thing looks skethcy on the program i used so that y i didnt do it!

Little Ricky 21:28 30/Dec/05

that guy is good but his arm style is f***ed
look at his arm when he does the ollie over chair

matty leigh 11:25 31/Dec/05

how do you mean? it was probably cause i had so much hangtime, i was practically gliding over it. but meh, there's always room for improvement

bonezy 12:20 31/Dec/05

no mat u do a kind of retarded hand movement b4 u do ur trik. and today is borin as fuk

matty leigh 12:41 31/Dec/05

come to think of it i do a bit, but meh i dont really care

bonezy 14:13 31/Dec/05

yeah u suk mat!

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