short vermont clip

matty leigh 12:53 31/Dec/05

on thursday i went to vermont 8 for the first time. it was a hot day but i managed to get a couple of tricks down, the clip only goes for a few seconds. enjoy

bonezy 14:19 31/Dec/05

mat how big is the clip coz its taken foreva? and hoos account did u use to put it on

bonezy 14:28 31/Dec/05

and i forgot to get that program for editin at ur house after seeing the slow mo thing. god dam it!

Popecorkythe23rd 14:42 31/Dec/05

Im guessing there will be like a 180, a sw ollie, a kickflip, a melon grab and a nollie or some sort of combination of those tricks.

matty leigh 15:16 31/Dec/05

the clips only like 1.5 mb so stop complaining. and yeah i forgot to give u that program. i can give it to you 2day if you wanna come over for a swim

bonezy 15:20 31/Dec/05

umm dunno maybe give me a call coz i aint sure

matty leigh 15:25 31/Dec/05

i registered myself

matty leigh 16:10 31/Dec/05

wow isnt this thread full of life

pom 17:36 31/Dec/05

yer great work matt i loved that hard flip

Patties 17:39 31/Dec/05

did u get the footgate of matt allen eating shit

matty leigh 20:37 31/Dec/05

ofcourse i did. as soon as he hit the ground he's gone"oh fuk i broke my arm!" once the ambos took him away we kept skating and i got the hardflip. i'm sure little matty will be back on his board b4 u know it

matty leigh 13:05 01/Jan/06

it'd be nice if i got comments, hate or love

bonezy 13:56 01/Jan/06


EAZY E 15:25 01/Jan/06


17:39 31/Dec

did u get the footgate of matt allen eating shit

He broke his arm faggot, have a little more respect......jeez you dickhead

matty leigh 15:26 01/Jan/06

the whole time he wasnt complaining bout the arm. he was just bummed he didnt get the trick

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