Tawa Hayes

drew 19:26 04/Apr/13

Here's a clip from Tawa Hayes for Indy, zoo York and street machine

-T.L.F- 20:14 04/Apr/13

This guy has a nice style , i maybe would have left a few of the ledge lines out but thats just nit picking. That kickflip is big and was a very nicely done as well as the back 180 over the seat looking thing . I thank and congratulate you sire on your skateboarding endeavours
also sneaky good half cab in that fed square line
and tre in the ledge line

marburg 21:12 04/Apr/13

must have that adidas boost

raphabee 03:27 05/Apr/13

Tawa's a rad guy and extremely underrated. Glad to see he's got some quality sponsors, he could go far...

Doyle! 08:48 05/Apr/13

Damn that was sick! and where is that rail at 2:27?

cuntm8noworries 10:25 05/Apr/13

reesm8bigproblems 10:36 05/Apr/13

Kills it imo, that water gap looks gnarly.

Cuntus McGruntus
Cuntus McGruntus 10:59 05/Apr/13

tawas sick af, loved the first bs 180 and really liked the tricks at nothcote!

NIKEEEM 11:30 05/Apr/13

Needed more nudity, that semi strip at the start was such a tease

nahcunt 14:37 05/Apr/13

dude needs to put less effort into being a light footed fairy and more into music selection

-T.L.F- 19:37 05/Apr/13

I see what your trying to do, STOP. You'r as plain as a milk arrowroot biscuit

nahcunt 21:15 05/Apr/13

aww T.L.F, am i not aesthetically indie enough for you? if i got a shitty knuckle tat would that help? rolled up my pants a bit too maybe?

randy marsh
randy marsh 22:51 05/Apr/13

Cuntm8 > Nahcunt
This will never change.

Tawa is the best guy off his skateboard, this part would represent so little of what he can actually do.

WAKAFLOCKA 23:01 05/Apr/13

The man tama Haynes is the man

Ian... 02:30 06/Apr/13

I like hot chop as much as any other ecstasy eating moron, but carn. Can skate n that

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