ttiimmyy 19:02 31/Mar/07

ok so on thursday i headed off on school camp for cadets, out in the middle of nowere in the bush. it was all running smoothly until on the second day we did orienteering, and when we came back we noticed 6 people hade gone missing. so we waited for them to come back.. but they never did, so the SES and the police were called in to search the forest with helicoptors and shit. they still wernt found until 30 hours and 1 cold night without food later. so thats one thing that went wrong.... but while they were looking for the missing people, a mate of mine that is badly alregic to peanuts, accidentally ate some satay sauce( peanut sauce)3 minutes later, he died, 10 metres away from me. they tried for an hour to resucite him, and they called in a helicopter for him to be airlifted to hospital. in the chopper he was formally anouced dead. the school lied to us and said he had survived, so we were all happy. but then we found out he had died , so we were all really sad. whilst all this was happening, a kid fell of a small cliff and broke both his legs and also had to be airlifted to hospital.

so i formally dub my camp, the camp from hell

Atomicpunk 19:04 31/Mar/07

holy shit,thats terrible,you got my sympathy

heshy. 19:05 31/Mar/07

fucking hell that so gnarley.

*warie* 19:07 31/Mar/07

holy fucking shit.

c-unit 19:10 31/Mar/07


SCAVMAN 19:10 31/Mar/07

fuck that for a joke. sympathy from me

Token Black Guy
Token Black Guy 19:11 31/Mar/07

fuck mayne, thats pretty fucked up.

sutherland 19:12 31/Mar/07

fuck man that is fucked,i no u dont really care your jsut sad still but u could so sue the school or who ever fucken gave the guy the satay sauce,coz most likley on camsp u fill out forms,worst thing i had at a camp was a phyco kid tryed to attack another one with a golf club

ttiimmyy 19:15 31/Mar/07

well actually, we were given ration packs, and he was given one without nuts, he accidentally picked up somebody elses

mutley 19:18 31/Mar/07

if its cadets, is it some army thing? cos they could get into trouble for that.


*geels* 19:23 31/Mar/07

that sucks dude, sorry to hear. on my year 6 camp we went on a walk in the forest at night time. 8 or so of the kids keeping in mind where only about 10 or 11 at the time were left out in the thickest forest for about 7 or 8 hours or so. they finally found them but that was pretty crazy.

ttiimmyy 19:25 31/Mar/07

the school i go to is really respected and shit aswell, so when this hits the news and the papers, some of the teachers will be losing there jobs i have heard

MPC 19:27 31/Mar/07

Insurance nightmare.

scott-ay 19:30 31/Mar/07

fucking crazy.

Boardslide_kid 19:38 31/Mar/07

youd be able to see those horses on harry potter

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