Balmain Quarter Pipe
Quarter Pipe with tar bank. Council are about to build a new mini ramp. Chad Ford helping out.
1 Fitzroy Ave, Balmain NSW 2041, Australia
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what a joke
this is my local park!!! sad huh now the red railing has fallen over the pipe so its actually impossible to skate unless you hit ur head every time u do a kickturn theres an alright spot in the park its in. Its a gazebo thing with a 3 stair with ledges down it and garden gaps on the side pretty fun
i found this place once and didnt have my sk8board! its shit anyways
ok thats discusting .... and they gave it 2 stars..
yo, its park rocks to the shizzam. it sho'be an 3 star muthas is that? hey marc yahuh lol
hey peepz add me to msn :)
its a good place to muck around and start a bon fire while drinking smirnoff and roastin marshmellows we do it every friday night come and join us!!
that skate shop isnt even there ne more
whu wuld sk8 dat piece of shit look at it far out
looks kinda fun if your there for about 30 mins if i went there once i wouldent go again no offence ive seen better back yard ramps than this :)
i hate this park, it is made of shit ontop of crap suck my balls balmain
Man this place looks like a good place to hold a Bones Brigade Re-union. Tony Hawk and Co. would totally rip this joint to pieces. I can just see Cab doing a Cab plant on the railing of that monster 1/4 pipe. The locals are so lucky to have a skate park of this calibre in there backyard. The council should be comended on funds well spent. They could have always spent the funds on repairing a loose bolt on a street sign or something. I envy the locals here.
what a peice of shit, how can you get any speed on the ashphalt?! best possible trick: kickturn :-)
As if the Bones Brigade would hold a reunion here, this place sucks! Who would go skate here as if it was their favourite skatepark? The highest rating I can give this park is 1 star.
sick fuckin park
GIVE BALMAIN A SKATEPARK i live there and theres a hobo sleeping under it. BAlmain's gay for skating!!!!!!!!
add me we can talk about it
is the course good
fucken aye shred this shit
shut up ur all posers go out and skate rather than posting shit comments this park would be shit, even for tech decking
it it it it... oops. bullfuck.
this is a discrase