Camden Skate Park
New well constructed concrete park with some nice ledges, rails and a nice bink flat bank.
158 Camden Valley Way, Elderslie NSW 2570, Australia
Builder - Zalem Pty Ltd [+]
Designer - Convic Skateparks [+]
Skateparks Nearby
- 2 km NE
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- 9 km E
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Skateshops Nearby
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- 40 km E
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chad had sex with an elephant
This is a great park to goto if your heading past or live around Sydney. First of all, Super smooth conrete, there isnt a day that goes by whithout a biker slipping on this stuff. Theres heaps of different sized ledges all with rounded coping, all of the park is real mellow besides the big ass end bank and spread out really well. There is no tap in sight and little shelter and most people resort to stealing drinks from the footy club house, but there is a corner shop a few k's up the road past the school. All the locals are friendly and some annoying, theres usually bikers in numbers, a few try to be heros and impress their friends but end up slipping over and tis cool again. theres a shop further up in the middle of Camden next to a fish shop called Street Direction who sells boards n stuff yeah
This is an awesome park... well constructed and a must stop. Only probs is there are no taps so remember to stock up on water before you leave... i can't believe it was only a 3 rating deserved a 4-5. Camden Ramp got a 3 for **** sake.
yeah it definatly deserves 4 stars n camden ramp should have 2 at the very most. This is a great park come on down if u can!
who the f*** rated this park?? it definately deserves more than 3 stars...
i agree with sLoShEd ^^^
this is a mad ass park
hey leave the good old ramp out of this...its a rocken crapy ramp! but yeah the park deserves much more stars!!!
shut up hilltopsk8r u gay fuk^^^^
this park is mad its worth the trip the only problem is that bmxers r always there
yeah we were planing on making a trip out there and went to penrith plaza for some reason and then wen we came out it was pooring and then we still went out there and wen we got there it wasnt raining, and no1 was there so we got a good skate there, love hat really mellow box
hey peepz add me to msn :) lol
heaps smooth a very unique park ive neva skated a park lyk it
when he park first opened there was a fight between a skater and a bmxer the b,xer got smashed bad by my friend
hehe yea little zac beat up the biker, funny shit
copings a little high on the mini up the top but dont bitch it super fuckin smooth n i love shit lol stupid crank yanker got bashed wish i saw it....varrica eats penis
love this park and its right next to my skool so i got there all the the concrete so smooth but also it can be ur worst enemy lol...richme u rip it up heaps good there
yeah rhys green props^^
yeh fucken sik park
surprise seeing my photo in ere
holy jama lama
thats uber cool
nice park, best halfpipe out!! sometimes gets crowded with skaters and bikers, but most of the locals are pretty friendly, tap being put it and i heard plans for a bigger shelter aswell, hopefully they build onto this park in the near future as there is plenty of space for and extension.. maybe half bowl with spine coming out into a compact street course with coping box and a nice hip,, yeooww
dirty sespool
this park is so fun
i was there at the opening and skated it different to alot of other parks but the big bank is relly weird
only cause your fat.
is it near Campbelltown??
no way man
yewwwww for camden park
This Place Is Like Ummmmmm.......... SICK
i go here all the time on the holidais sometimes with mi mates it raddd
How big is that big roll in.
Concrete's a little fucked in places from cunts burning shit on it though.