Strathfield South
Mini ramp and street course (This park has been domolished and replaced with a new park)
34 Melville Ave, Strathfield NSW 2135, Australia
Skateparks Nearby
- 2 km SE
- 3 km NW
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- 4 km N
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Skate Spots Nearby
- 2 km N
- 3 km N
- 3 km N
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- 3 km N
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Googong 2
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Griffith 2
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Narara 2
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Wollongong 11
I think the picture explains for itself
No wonder the dam thing was demolished who the hell cept bmxrs would wanna go to a shit house 'THING' like dat
it looks like a sic mini
the mini looks kinda fun
omg this skatepark owns if u cant skate
but we can skate
and thats y its shit
that mini pipe looks mad
it needs a little fixin dats all
more like plastic fucken surgery
thay need 2 rebuild the whole thing with a new park
This park is excellent for a great time with ur mates.............with your hammers and picks. Though it might be physically for the mini to possibly be any more dinted.
it would be better now but no wonder they smashed it down
carolina blue nice
this park licks nuts
this park is nuts
stop whingin u dumb cunts the park is knocked down and the new one owns the place its now one of the best in sydney!
my gf has bugger humps than that
jake u have no gf
im gonna breake a bone here 4 sure! man u cant get no rios in there fool! oi serious if u even pit a feather on that it will fall to pieces! lol
look at my web site
cheak out my website
nice colour
mini looks aight
mini surprisingly looks cool could give it one star just for the mini
oi i seen chris to a 540 tail whip in that halfpipe.... sik as bro!! keep up good work
corse thompson straight out did back flip so u niggas got nuthing + its like da best park 5 stars straight out
looks fun
looks like the place were stickers finally did a ollie on the movie deck dogs!
its good in its own sorta way
moo moo poo poo fuck skating there
was there a point making that heap of shit
did someone do a shit in the shape of the worlds worst ramps?
This joint rocks! its a blank space gotta be happy with that if you're a local.
how is that piece of fuckin shit dodgey
This looks better than "dodgy"....? Look at Bateau Bay Skate Slab?!
thiz iz shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
fuck u aza1 u stalk the low rated sk8 parks
wtf is up with that steep one in the middle
this park should be 5 star its sweet rofl...
this is just as good as Ararats in vic. what a piece
This doesn't look that bad!
if it wasn't in such a shithole condition it would mad
yeah this is shit, i broke my finger trying to tech deck, sketchy runs, i almost got run over by some poser skater while in a manual
It's Strathfield Ovcarse it's shit.
two bogans getting there skate on.