Mr Fox
Mr Fox 09:55 03/Nov/08

I got mine friday arvo and it was so shiny I felt like I won something!

siamese 11:07 04/Nov/08

i luv this mag not the same shite over and over every month

d00m 19:28 04/Nov/08


15:18 31/Oct

"whats up with that whole black and white section with really bad photoshop effects making it look like it was photocopied?

I really like how the mag runs quality film and b&w photos but editing digital photos to look like film is just pointless and stupid"

I find wearing a tie with no shirt while backsmithing pointless and stupid as well!

yeh! and ollieing a waist high fence to a hefty drop is stupid too! in a good way:)

rancid 20:14 06/Nov/08

the photos would have turned out a bit fuzzy or somthing, and htey would have actually photo copied them to make it look better then fuzzy photos. i like it.

MAGIC!! 11:44 08/Nov/08

got it yesterday, lewis switch heel year 7 area at my school.

Boardslide_kid 20:03 09/Nov/08

Does that dave cotsios guy skate?

rollerskatemadness 20:23 09/Nov/08

he sure can play guitar

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