Australian Bowl-Riding Championship Registration

BOG4N 14:03 13/Jan/12

G'day Frothers

There's big things happening in the Ozzie bowl skating scene this year. Hurley's sponsoring the Australian Bowl-riding Championships (ABC) at Bar Beach in Newcastle from January 26th to the 28th. Empire Skate Park is fresh, new and super smooth!

There's a massive 20G’s of prize pool and the event is open to skaters of all skill levels... not just pros and shredders. ABC and Hurley are encouraging everyone to get amongst it and take a shot at qualifying for a wild card entry into Van's Bondi Bowl-a-Rama event in Feb, where you will battle it out with the best bowl skaters from around the World.

This is an awesome opportunity for unknown shedders to get pitted against the likes of Pedro Barros, Bucky Lasek, or Rune Glifberg at Vans BOWL-A-RAMA. There has never been an opportunity like this before in Australia... this is a massive break for young skaters to crack the big time!

Hurley Australian Bowl-riding Championships offers four divisions, Mtn Dew Am Jam U18’s, Pro/Am, Masters (over 40’s) and Female open division in a true ‘Nationals’ skateboarding competition.

Three Dew Am Jam Under 18’s competitors will be chosen to showcase their talent in the Dew Am Jam at Vans BOWL-A-RAMA Bondi. Plus, five Australian pro and five masters competitors will also be given the opportunity to qualify to ride alongside industry greats within their divisions on February 25th at Bondi Bowl… unquestionably Australia’s greatest and most scenic concrete hole.

Newy will officially kick-off on Thursday 26th with learn-to-ride skate clinics provided by Kman skate school, while Hurley ABC will provide a range of entertainment to celebrate the competition, including art and music events.

Registrations are now open and all skill levels are welcome. Get online ( and download your registration form and return it via email to before 4pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time, Jan 25th, 2012.

You will also need to bring a copy of your completed form and your $30 entry fee with you to complete your registration at Empire Park Skatepark, Bar Beach, NSW on Friday 27th January.

Hurley and Mountain Dew don't do things in halves, and this event is guaranteed to be no exception... it's going to be four days of epic fun in the sun. So come to Newy and get amongst it!

See you there.

Cam Ward
Cam Ward 23:42 23/Jan/12

Get on it, regos open, hit it up....its gonna be a kewel day, qualifiers into the wcsk8....This weekend, Sat at Gold Bowl / Bar Beach, Newcastle...Bikinis, Bowl, Rollin, 2 much fun bout 2 happen, U know a road trip is overdue....Chek out Rentos given the lowdown....

Cam Ward
Cam Ward 23:52 23/Jan/12

Oh yeah, a bunch of suprise visitors out here at the moment for the multitude of events happnin will be makin ther way to Newky to sample the new bowl tranny'zzzzz on the day....

MR PLOW 16:26 28/Jan/12

post clips!

drew 19:25 28/Jan/12

Renton 1st, far dell 2nd , RJ 3rd

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 18:07 30/Jan/12

did mick win enough to...

singha_is 19:10 30/Jan/12


drew 14:19 31/Jan/12

rad shots jennifer... that guy is Kalani David, he's a pro surfer too or something apparently

jennifer hawkins
jennifer hawkins 14:37 31/Jan/12

thats all for now, might post some more later.

Vagabond 09:04 01/Feb/12

Nice shots

DADCAM 17:28 01/Feb/12

who has all the jackson shreddin footy/pics!!!

drew 17:32 01/Feb/12


SAMM0 23:28 01/Feb/12

SAMM0 23:34 01/Feb/12

Potty2617 07:43 02/Feb/12

Here is my "edit"

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