Brunswick Skatepark 2013

AUSTRALIA 03:32 07/Sep/14

ramps are sick though

TJ_ 20:59 22/Oct/14

"Construction starts June 2014 for a September/October completion."

Bibbyphoto 12:59 23/Oct/14

From an email this morning from Enloucs, Designers of the park.

"The Clifton Park (Brunswick) skatepark is currently out for public construction tender, with submissions closing soon. Next stage will be the Council assessment of these tenders based on experience, price, timelines etc... Once a contractor is selected hopefully the turning off soil (or in this case excavating the bowl!) will take place soon after"

a pocket yeti
a pocket yeti 11:26 29/Nov/14

that street plan trumps the tranny plan. such a crying shame that the more experienced tranny skaters are getting the votes. not everyone can skate a bowl, let alone a clover. this is just gonna be the next fitzy bowl where the locals are all above 30 and drunk at the park causing trouble. bowl skaters are cunts. bottom line.

Insomniajosh 17:54 29/Nov/14

Just wow

krim 08:03 01/Dec/14

Haha. That should be a t-shirt!

Bowl Skaters Are Cunts.
Bottom Line.

justsayno 12:41 01/Dec/14

on it Krim, small print run for some true cunts in the Northern subs of Melbs to hit the bowls shortly

Insomniajosh 17:03 01/Dec/14

Put me down for one, bottom line.

Insomniajosh 17:01 05/Dec/14

sk8y180 13:34 06/Dec/14

So is this park still happening or have they decided that since we are all such whingy bitches we get nothing now ?

sk8y180 15:40 04/Apr/15

4 months later and still nothing ? What the fuck is happening with this piece of shit ?

justsayno 06:50 06/Apr/15

Budget blowout!

Insomniajosh 18:39 06/Apr/15

I haven't seen final plans. I've emailed council this morning, no response as yet. If they haven't got the full $500k I reckon they should wait until the financial year ticks over and apply for more money. No point making a killer bowl and a weak street section, should just do it once and properly. Needs to be both done well.

ChiefBEN 17:12 05/May/15

Any response Josh?

Bibbyphoto 17:40 05/May/15

they moved the location also....

"New venue and schedule.
The Brunswick Skate Park and BMX Facility site has moved a hundred metres or so, from Albert Street, to the opposite side of the synthetic soccer pitch on Victoria Street.
As a consequence of the move, the start date for the build has slipped to around June.
The clover leaf bowl will remain the centre piece of the park, with as many street elements as the budget will allow."

RE: Brunswick Skatepark 2013

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