Nsw emergency?

Chinaskis underpants
Chinaskis underpants 14:41 05/Jan/13

so much second-hand embarrassment right thurr.

Get that arts grant cash

|Jesus| 14:52 05/Jan/13

Who gave them such a huge grant for this? I would probably do it but in a disguise and on drugs I think

Davo 2153
Davo 2153 14:58 05/Jan/13

I would pay money to watch somebody do free running, in a disguise, on drugs.
Now thats entertainment.

Danka 18:11 05/Jan/13

I'd do it for the marnie

sk8parx troll
sk8parx troll 10:52 06/Jan/13


16:44 03/Jan/13

We have an injured skater who is cast in our Sydney festival show opening next week and we need someone who can replace him.

yer! I smashed his kneecaps. who wants to be next?

gnar  gnar
gnar gnar 22:42 06/Jan/13

I read this thread the other day without watching the clip and thought you guys were being a little harsh but holy shit that was next level. At the end of the day C.R.E.A.M, if I had the skills I'd be all over that collaboration.

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