Oakley (Koston etc) in Oz

endor 16:41 08/Jun/13

and il give u an insider to the morn guys and girls. the girls r all jealous bcause i am on tv and they want theyr bfriends to atack me. and the guys r jealous aswel bcause i am on tv and bcuase nearly every girl in the area know who jedi is and in comparison a those rich guys have only a couple of hundred girls from theyr home town who know them. this makes them parannoid. neurotic and insecure. which turns many of them violent. and when i went on tv it made it worse bcause the girls had a big brand new reason to once again start obsesisvly chatterboxing about jedi. and this meant that alot of the guys who had already lost theyr patience bcause of all the girls talking about jedi for the last 4yrs- these guys then snapped and now r violent.

sk8parx troll
sk8parx troll 16:54 08/Jun/13

endor I would really like to meet you one day, so I can give a nice big smack across your stoned ogre face you shitcock scumfuck.

endor 17:30 08/Jun/13

pls dont hate on shecklers page/thread

endor 19:02 08/Jun/13

after that paparazi incident i think the surf media paparazi in torquay have started to view me like parko,fanning,gilmore slater etc. or basicaly a similar target for theyr cameras. must b bcause i was on tv

snapper 19:16 08/Jun/13

the fliming reminding me of when local newspapers have photos of skateboarding.. just a person flighing in the sky and no idea ifthey have landed it or where there landing.

thers a very fine line with being a good hd flimer or not.. this guy stank
sick skating but.

endor 19:21 08/Jun/13

and i lakyn dont forget i want to take ur ass out at haloween. dont forget

endor 20:13 08/Jun/13

and sheckler if ur coming to melbourne skatepark then if possible stay until 5pm when my 2 lightsabers glow

Mark Brimson
Mark Brimson 07:49 09/Jun/13

Those other clips were pretty cool - definitely feeling them more than the first one, but I definitely like the more "Behind the scenes" type of thing.

Endor please only post one thing at a time and then wait for someone else to post before posting again. It is probably the most painful thing for everyone else to read through twenty of your posts before getting to someone else's in any thread you contribute to. I want you to be a little more understanding of how forums work before you post a lot more, so if possible, read, write then wait and re-read what you put up and please hold back on posting non related things to each individual forum thread in future.

It would just make reading a thread you contribute to so much nicer.

Thank you.

Pingu 08:29 09/Jun/13

I'm surprised anyone still reads his posts.

singha_is 09:55 09/Jun/13

I liked that first video. Seems like a standard big brand company edit/filming/music to me.. But I guess this would appeal more for the wider audience who will actually purchase these products.

endor 11:18 09/Jun/13

no probs brimson. i am done posting anyway

winston 15:48 09/Jun/13


endor 17:30 09/Jun/13

actualy i have just one more post. if i was a pro skater then ppl in mornington area,my mothers political seat and torquay wouldnt b crazy. but its bcause i am a jedi knight skater. thats a big major reason y ppl r crazy. bcause i am a jedi skater. sends those folk set trippin. triiipppiiinnn

endor 21:10 09/Jun/13

a made an error. i left something out thats important. so this is def my last post . if sheckler goes to melbourne he should skate in a tuxedo suit with sunglasses. and also grant warrington wins the sydney to hobart yacht race on boxing day then grant and jedi will b the most famous racers in aus. both of them from mornington. wild thing is the best boat in mornington fleet. and also valentino rossi and jedi might make a deal. rossi might have a meeting with jedi at phillip island grand prix- mayb. similar to the jedi meetings with parko and fanning at rip curl bells beach t easter

Pocket Full of Death
Pocket Full of Death 21:59 09/Jun/13

As soon as I saw sheckler's half cab I pretty much assumed that was a warm up for full cab, so not really surprised about the rumour, anyone else seen the ad for chima's vans shoe with the back heel photo, thats nuts too. As far as the tight crops go in the video, I imagine that would have to do more with the type of camera used. I imagine its a higher end prosumer camera (f3 or fs700 or along those lines) which would not have a "zoom button" to zoom out with and if they were to use a zoom lens it would require more than one person to operate (one person to move the tripod, one to pull zoom and or focus), also all this extra equipment takes time to set up which would equate to less skating time. Add to this the fact that there would only be a couple of core skate cinematographers who have this type of equipment (hernandez, hunt, ray) and they are all employed by brands (nike, vans, dc) and are not just available to shoot a trip like this. So oakley would have chosen someone who can deliver a product that is up to all industry standards not just the low standard held by the skateboard industry. Also most skateboard edits break pretty much every editing rule they teach you in film school, so no wonder if they hired a professional cinematographer the clip looked nothing like a normal skate edit. But whatever, at the end of the day no skaters i know buy oakleys so the brand probably doesn't give two shits about what you think of their edit, its made for the fringe "skaters" on their longboards and pennys who think oakley and skateboarding are best buds.

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